Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Holding Tank Gauge



I am installing an " Acugauge" by Snake River Mfg. on my holding tank.
Is it necessary or "good practice" to use some kind of corrosion
protection on the exterior contact strips, and if so, what?

Keith Hughes

Marc said:
I am installing an " Acugauge" by Snake River Mfg. on my holding tank.
Is it necessary or "good practice" to use some kind of corrosion
protection on the exterior contact strips, and if so, what?

Snake River recommends a spray adhesive made by 3M. I don't
remember the specifics, but it's on their website in the
installation instructions. Available at Home Depot for about $4. I
installed an Ulta-8 last year for my waste and water tanks, and
have been very happy with both the product and Snake River's support.

Keith Hughes