Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hofstadters Butterfly finally observed


Martin Brown

More physics than electronics but an interesting use of graphene.

Hofstadter's butterfly – a stunning fractal pattern that describes the
behaviour of electrons in a magnetic field – has been measured
experimentally for the first time.

Devious trick using Moire fringes between two different lattice
structures to get a periodic pattern on the right scale.

Theoretical prediction is finally validated. Very pretty too.

Bill Sloman

More physics than electronics but an interesting use of graphene.

Hofstadter's butterfly – a stunning fractal pattern that describes the
behaviour of electrons in a magnetic field – has been measured
experimentally for the first time.

Devious trick using Moire fringes between two different lattice
structures to get a periodic pattern on the right scale.

Theoretical prediction is finally validated. Very pretty too.

Andre Geim has always had an eye for the visually stunning illustration. His floating frog also got a lot of column inches, though the physics there were less exciting.

Jon Kirwan

More physics than electronics but an interesting use of graphene.

Hofstadter's butterfly – a stunning fractal pattern that describes the
behaviour of electrons in a magnetic field – has been measured
experimentally for the first time.

Devious trick using Moire fringes between two different lattice
structures to get a periodic pattern on the right scale.

Theoretical prediction is finally validated. Very pretty too.

Pre-print paper here, I believe:


Phil Allison

"Martin Brown"
More physics than electronics but an interesting use of graphene.

Hofstadter's butterfly – a stunning fractal pattern that describes the
behaviour of electrons in a magnetic field – has been measured
experimentally for the first time.

Devious trick using Moire fringes between two different lattice structures
to get a periodic pattern on the right scale.

Theoretical prediction is finally validated. Very pretty too.

** Wow, Penny is gonna be really impressed !!.

But Sheldon will sneer.

..... Phil


I watched the video about cleaving carbon
down to graphene.

They said that graphene transistors can
operate at 100 to 150 GHz now.

How fast are silicon transistors now?

Will these graphene transistors really
revolutionize computer technology?

Or will IBM own the patents and sit on them?