Maker Pro
Maker Pro

HMC5883L compass module - Y/Z movement affects each other

I'm using HMC5883L compass module with arduino. There is a strange issue with the readings from this module - for some reason, the Z and Y axis are both affected from only Z axis movement or Y axis movement.

I need the readings to be correct per axis movement.

Y = tilting nose up/down
Z = turning left/right (compass)

I tried several libraries, the last two from these links:

the module:


Hop - AC8NS
Did you examine the datasheet for the HMC5883L to determine what its maximum cross-axis sensitivity is, and whether that meets your requirements? It is rated ±0.2%FS/gauss, which seems reasonable to me for compass applications. What are you using this for? What do you expect from a transducer instrumentation package that sells for less than ten bux? Perhaps you should consider a precision flux-gate transducer with magnetic shielding to prevent cross-axis interference.
the sensitivity is good - i don't need perfect cross axis one. actually - i only need the compass readings, but it must only be affected by the turn of the module - not by tilting forward/back or left/right. currently, tilting (even snall ones) affects the compass readings.
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