Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hitachi VT430E color problem


Nigel Cook

I'm sure i've come across these symptoms before but have
forgotten what it means.
Tape recorded on other machine will sometimes lose
colour during play - returns by momentarily using
pause or REW+play. Colour ,especially high saturation
is smeared to the left of verticals and
has random lines of complementary colour, including
picture in picture of off-air signal. Increasing or decreasing
back tension does not make any difference. Very light
touching of the spinning head disc loses colour.

Jerry G.

Try having the tape path of the machine properly cleaned. If this does not
do it, then there are most likely warn parts, especial the video heads.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

I'm sure i've come across these symptoms before but have
forgotten what it means.
Tape recorded on other machine will sometimes lose
colour during play - returns by momentarily using
pause or REW+play. Colour ,especially high saturation
is smeared to the left of verticals and
has random lines of complementary colour, including
picture in picture of off-air signal. Increasing or decreasing
back tension does not make any difference. Very light
touching of the spinning head disc loses colour.