Darol Klawetter
I'm currently researching the amplifier options for the output stage of a RF receiver I'm designing. This stage will have a single-ended output and will drive an ADC that has a SFDR of 100 dB. Of course, I need a highly linear amplifier to prevent washing out my ADC performance, but I don't want to use one with differential I/O, which is typically used to drive high-performance ADCs. I would prefer something simple, like a gain block that would reduce my parts count. The frequency range of my output is 2 MHz to 50 MHz, which is too low for most RF gain blocks' optimal frequency range. My goal is to drive 2.5 vpp, while preventing distortion that kills the SFDR of my ADC. A gain of 15 dB to 30 dB is acceptable. Any suggestions?
Darol Klawetter
Darol Klawetter