Maker Pro
Maker Pro

high temperature caps

Yes you sometimes can, but of course expect it to live a lot shorter than the original.
The prob is that the 105deg one is probably a low-esr, while the 85deg ones are usually not, making them run even hotter than the original. You might also get undesirably high ripple voltages that might impair operation.
If it's a small one (0.5-4.7uf) you migh want to opt for a plastic replacement which would give you the best performance and an infinite lifespan.
High Temp Rated Cap vs Low Temp Rated Cap

can i replace a 105deg cap with an 85deg cap in my pc monitor?

You can replace the cap with a lower temperature rated one, but its lifespan will most likely be reduced. It may be worth the extra effort to order a proper cap with the proper temperature rating. :)

Jerry G.