Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hiding oscilloscope serial number on eBay


Nomen Nescio

I've been looking at an oscilloscope on eBay. Seems real nice. It isn't
the deal of the century, but seems better than most. But the seller has
taped over or blocked out the serial number on all the pics posted. Other
than the thing being stolen, what other possible and logical reason(s)
could there be to block out the serial number?


Nomen said:
I've been looking at an oscilloscope on eBay. Seems real nice. It isn't
the deal of the century, but seems better than most. But the seller has
taped over or blocked out the serial number on all the pics posted. Other
than the thing being stolen, what other possible and logical reason(s)
could there be to block out the serial number?
Maybe he wants to substitute in a different one at shipment. You be the
judge which is likely to be the more desirable one.


Why don't you ask the seller and see what his response is.
Maybe he doesn't want anybody to copy the serial number !


Jim Yanik

Why don't you ask the seller and see what his response is.
Maybe he doesn't want anybody to copy the serial number !

"copy the s/n"? For what purpose?
I suspect the scope could be stolen.I see no reason to hide the s/n.
Tektronix maintains a stolen instrument database for their products,call
TEK security to find out about a particular unit,or to report one stolen.


Well if he thinks it stolen Dont Bid On The Thing..
Sounds simple to me ..


I've been looking at an oscilloscope on eBay. Seems real nice. It isn't
the deal of the century, but seems better than most. But the seller has
taped over or blocked out the serial number on all the pics posted. Other
than the thing being stolen, what other possible and logical reason(s)
could there be to block out the serial number?

By looking at his feedback he goes through alot of scopes. Maybe he
took one set of photos and by blocking out the serial number he can
reuse the photos for more auctions.

Only way to find out is to ask him. But he does have a perfect
feedback rating with over 500 transactions with no retractions. My
guess is he is legit.


Why don't you do the intelligent thing and ask him why the number is

Dave Plowman (News)

I've been looking at an oscilloscope on eBay. Seems real nice. It
isn't the deal of the century, but seems better than most. But the
seller has taped over or blocked out the serial number on all the pics
posted. Other than the thing being stolen, what other possible and
logical reason(s) could there be to block out the serial number?

He sells lots of them and doesn't want to take a pic for each one?

Nomen Nescio

The other scope he has up for bid
does NOT have the serial # taped over. My guess is the same...he's got lots
o' scopes and doesn't want to take lots o' pics....

He has TWO scopes up for auction right now. I have sold MANY things, and
taking a pic of the ACTUAL item I'm selling is very important to a BUYER.
If I can't be assured that I'm actually receiving the item as pictured on
the auction page, I won't buy. I contacted him but never heard back (ok
kip smartass?). Looks like he buys and sells scopes, maybe he puts
together a "frankenscope" using the parts of several to make one that
works. But again, if I can't see the actual thing I'm buying, then
something ain't right. He also makes a big deal about calibration, which
is important to me also. And yet I don't see a cal sticker in any of his
pics. Oh well. Just wasn't meant to be. Somewhere in this world is an
oscilloscope just for me.


Nomen said:
He has TWO scopes up for auction right now. I have sold MANY things,
and taking a pic of the ACTUAL item I'm selling is very important to
I can understand that...and I can understand the seller's position as well.
Given his record, apparently his buyers don't mind, although (who knows?) he
might get more money if he took individual pics.
If I can't be assured that I'm actually receiving the item
as pictured on the auction page, I won't buy. I contacted him but
never heard back (ok kip smartass?). Looks like he buys and sells
scopes, maybe he puts together a "frankenscope" using the parts of
several to make one that works. But again, if I can't see the actual
thing I'm buying, then something ain't right.

You could contact some of his successful bidders through Ebay to see if they
are as satisfied as they say....
He also makes a big
deal about calibration, which is important to me also. And yet I
don't see a cal sticker in any of his pics. Oh well. Just wasn't
meant to be. Somewhere in this world is an oscilloscope just for me.

I think it's much ado....


Nomen Nescio

I think it's much ado....

Calibration is much ado about nothing? I just see a lot of scopes that
look like they were thrown down a flight of stairs. Or the seller is
"Jeans Antique Shop" or "Ben's Recycling Center." Along with oscilloscopes
they also sell banjos and presto hotdog cookers. And then there's the text
that says, "we have no way to test if this thing works, power light comes
on, ignore the dog pee, etc..." So for me, having a recent calibration
isn't so much that the thing is accurate (although that IS important), but
that the scope can do what it was made to do. Finally, the guy who is
selling the scope in question makes a big deal about how he's going to
charge $125 to recalibrate the scope, should the scope be returned within
the 5-day return period. If the guy is charging $125 to calibrate a scope,
at least he could do is to show proof in the auction page that the scope is
calibrated to NIST standards!


Nomen said:
Calibration is much ado about nothing? I just see a lot of scopes
that look like they were thrown down a flight of stairs. Or the
seller is "Jeans Antique Shop" or "Ben's Recycling Center." Along
with oscilloscopes they also sell banjos and presto hotdog cookers.
And then there's the text that says, "we have no way to test if this
thing works, power light comes on, ignore the dog pee, etc..." So
for me, having a recent calibration isn't so much that the thing is
accurate (although that IS important), but that the scope can do what
it was made to do. Finally, the guy who is selling the scope in
question makes a big deal about how he's going to charge $125 to
recalibrate the scope, should the scope be returned within the 5-day
return period. If the guy is charging $125 to calibrate a scope, at
least he could do is to show proof in the auction page that the scope
is calibrated to NIST standards!

I didn't sat 'that' was much ado.... I think this entire thread is. He
says he calibrated (So, you don't see a's a photo, not a full
360 hologram.) He's got good feedback. He probably 'will' reply to your
query, unless you phrased it in the way you're posting here. Possibly your
suspicious nature put him off. He's got enough bidders without you. One of
them would have complained before now if he wasn't on the up & up. O'scopes
are way too specialized and technical an item to get away with selling bum
ones. He's NOT 'Jean's Antique Shop.'

100% feedback on 500 transactions is pretty good.....

Get a grip and leave this guy alone. Either buy his scope or not. Frankly,
if I were him and read all this; I wouldn't sell to you.



Well if he doesn't return your e-mails then just let it go,,,
Then we dont have to read your dribble.

kip smartass

James Sweet

Jim Yanik said:
"copy the s/n"? For what purpose?
I suspect the scope could be stolen.I see no reason to hide the s/n.
Tektronix maintains a stolen instrument database for their products,call
TEK security to find out about a particular unit,or to report one stolen.

I think it much more likely that the unit pictured is not the actual unit
for sale. If it were stolen it'd be easy enough for the recipient to find
out anyway.

Nomen Nescio

You think $450 is a good price for a 475?
I picked up a 2445B for that price, and a 2465A for $100 more.

The 2465's seem to vary in price, depending on what's included, condition
of the scope, and the seller. There's probably somebody out there who can
say they picked up a factory sealed box unit for $5. On the other end,
there's a guy who says he'll sell one for $940

Jim Yanik

I think it much more likely that the unit pictured is not the actual
unit for sale. If it were stolen it'd be easy enough for the recipient
to find out anyway.

The seller could easily state in the product's description that the
pictured S/N is not the exact one that is for auction.
Buying a TEK scope,I would want to know the S/N of the unit I am
considering,as some TEK instruments have S/N breaks where it really
matters.It also gives me an idea of the age of the instrument.
(date codes from internal parts are more precise,though.)

And how would a potential buyer find out if any Ebay item is stolen?
Where does one go to check this?
AFAIK,there's not national DB of stolen goods that civilians can access.

I know some police cruise Ebay looking for stolen goods,but that's a mainly
local and not widespread practice.

James Sweet

The seller could easily state in the product's description that the
pictured S/N is not the exact one that is for auction.
Buying a TEK scope,I would want to know the S/N of the unit I am
considering,as some TEK instruments have S/N breaks where it really
matters.It also gives me an idea of the age of the instrument.
(date codes from internal parts are more precise,though.)

I won't argue against that, nor would I bid on that scope.

And how would a potential buyer find out if any Ebay item is stolen?
Where does one go to check this?
AFAIK,there's not national DB of stolen goods that civilians can access.

Just as easily as anyone seeing the serial number in the auction could find
out. Funny thing is, if he'd simply made the picture more blurry or used
Photoshop to obscure the serial number it would have been far harder to spot
but that tape is blatantly obvious.