Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hickok 799 Meter issues

Howdy folks. I was pleased to find this tube tester on Craigslist. Unfortunately, the meter hangs at the halfway point. I noticed that it also was resting just above zero, and didn't respond to the zero adjust. I didn't buy it, but told the seller I might if I could find a meter. Ebay was my first check, no luck. So far, it looks like the meter is specific to this model. Seller seemed to not be aware of the issue, and is ready to deal.

Wonder if this might best be passed on? Any insight would be appreciated.
A meter that doesn't display isn't much good, is it?
And who knows what else might be wrong with it.
It's up to you, if you can find a meter and have the skills to troubleshoot it if something else is wrong with it.