Maker Pro
Maker Pro

hi! i need a programmer for my pic16f84

i need a diy programmer for my pic16f84, something that works, i have a usb to serial cable converter rs232, pl2303 ( cuz i dont have a normal serial port ) i need it to work with that cable, any GOOD AND WORKING circuit schematics will help.

i need a diy programmer

You need a genuine PICkit2, PICkit3 or ICD3 programmer / debugger.

Anything else is a waste of money and will end up being a terrible disappointment.

(oh... unless you are using mikroElektronika tools, in which case a mikroElektronika programmer or development board is the way to go)

i have a usb to serial cable converter rs232
This is likely to be of no use to you. Most DIY programmers will not work with most serial converters.
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what do u think about this device for programming


i dont have a serial port neither a printer port in my desktop, ( i want to program my pic16f84 )

i dont want to buy a pickit stuff.

so what if i buy a "pci serial port" will my diy programmer work?
Hi leonheard,
a friend of mine tried this and it worked somehow.
Sadly I don't have any details so just try it...

Best regards,
Microchips PICKIT2 is the best of all other pic programmers.. It is a open source pic programmer .. so anyone can make it and distribute it..
The main problem is that, most of the pickit2 components may be unavailable in your locality... I made a modified pickit2, in which most of the components are subtituted by low cost available components.. and It is working fine. It can program all 5V pic microcontrollers..
Here is the link..
PIC Programmer - PICKIT2
I went down the path of diy it dosn't save you a cent. if you want to release a project for sale use a pic kit in circuit programmer or a uart port and put boot loader on the pic but do your self a favour and spend the $149.00 on a mickro e pic 7 board it has a usb programmer on board and is also powered by the usb port. I use on as a professional during the day and for my home work as well. Once yoh have on you will never turn back. They also have start up software to get you started best of luck.
A pickit 2, for $35, is not only a programmer but also in in circuit debugger, which you will not get with a DIY programmer. And how much is your time worth? How many hours will you spend trying to get a DIY programmer to work? How much more time will you spend debugging without and in-circuit debugger? This is not a way to save money.
