Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hi All Im in need of a Manual for a PanasonicTH-42PZ80U

Hi Everyone
I just located forum and it looks like a great place for getting help and offering help when needed.
I have been repairing computers for over twenty years.
And I have been repairing Grocery store and Restraint cooking equipment for about ten years I'm expanding my horizons and tiring to learn more things. I just recently bought a Panasonic Plasma TV model TH-42PZ80U.
I really didn't know what I was getting into but its been interesting.
The info on the internet for these TV's is a pain in the rear. So I have been using two different manuals from two different to try and fix this TV.
I ordered the K board and before the part even showed up I know it was a misdiagnosis. And it was. I since ordered the P board [power supply] and I think I'm on the right track.
But if someone has the manual I would appreciate it.
I know long story but what can I say I'm Irish.
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Hey there thanks for looking around I spent two weeks looking at these. The weird thing about the videos and troubleshooting guides I find say my model number but as you start reading them or watching the videos it isn't my internal parts. The video from Norcal wasn't even the same model as mine at all. That one fooled me because I based my purchase on that video and when I get the TV it wasn't the same. But I think the Power supply should fix it. I hope.