Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hewlett Packard HP D8905 Monitor Focus Adjustment




I have the above monitor and to get a decent picture I have to have nearly
100% contrast and brightness. At these settings the focus is all screwed up.

Can anyone tell me where the focus control is - if there *is* one !

Or is it (as I suspect) just a shot screen.


Jerry G.

If the focus moved off by itself, there are several things that are
usually common to this.

Defective high voltage multiplier.
Focus adjustment pot is drifting due to oxidation, or a defect.
The CRT is having a defect (usually will get worse over time).

There is usually a focus pot on the side of the high voltage
multiplier, which is usually located on the side of the flyback
assembly. In some monitors, the focus pot is in a separate module, or
on the CRT board.

Jerry G.