Maker Pro
Maker Pro

HELP withCorrelation Photoelectric Switch Infrared Sensor HELP

Hello first off i am very new to this forum and electronics but do know a bit
this item will be used on a model train layout to switch track

i am getting a few of these (see pic below) i need a bit of help they both have red and black wires one + and one - for the yellow wire does that go to a LED with the black wire from the one sensor

sensor 1 red and black wire goes to + and -
sensor 2 red ,black and yellow goes to + and - but also yellow and black to led or what ever i need to switch

am i right on this
or any other help would be great

Correlation Photoelectric Switch Infrared Sensor

Harald Kapp

Welcome to EP.

This website states:
Red ---- Power ---- 5V-VCC
Black ---- negative ---- GND
Yellow ---- output ---- OUT
and also
5. Output: NPN normally open high low
6. Output Current: 70mA (can directly drive relays)

This I understand as the receiver having an open-collector transistor output capable of driving a load of up to 70 mA. This output shall be used as exemplified in our ressource "Using a bipolar transistor to turn a load on and off". This ressource's figure 1.1 shows the basic circuit using a motor as load. Replace the motor by a relay or whatever you need to control (not more than 70 mA!).
If your load is uinductive (relay, motor, solenoid etc.) do not forget the diode across the load to protect the transistor.