Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with STK's

Hello group. I was hoping someone here could tell me where to find a
convergence amp IC - part #STK4274. I have tried crossing to NTE, but
no luck. This goes in a hitachi tv model #50ex10b. Is there a
substitute or generic I could replace with? Thanks all.
I almost forgot, I have been working on this set for several months
off/on. I am a beginner and like the experience anyway. Some of you may
remember my posts for feedback concerning the above set (turning itself
off). I found out what was wrong!!!!!! After finally figuring out that
the relay in the power supply was staying energized when the set goes
down, I checked for power on the primary of the switching regulator and
I had it. Nothing on secondary cause the regulator was shutting down.
Why? Because after a careful look at the regulator and a very hot touch
of it, I realized my dumb AS* didn't secure it to the heatsink using
the machine screw or heatsink compound. Fixed this and BINGO. The set
stays powered up now indefinitely. Most of you probably wouldn't have
made this mistake in the first place, but I thought this was worth
posting. Thanks again all.


Hello group. I was hoping someone here could tell me where to find a
convergence amp IC - part #STK4274. I have tried crossing to NTE, but
no luck. This goes in a hitachi tv model #50ex10b. Is there a
substitute or generic I could replace with? Thanks all.

MCM Electronics has them in stock.
Electronix has them in stock
Consolidated Electronics has them in stock

Should I order them for you also?
Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just subsitute the appropriate characters in
the address)

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!
Yes please. When you get them post back and I'll tell you where to send
them. When I receive them - I'll pay you back. How's that sound.

HA HA. Me thinkst he was being sarcastic. He gave you the links so you
could just order them yourself. I would suggest however, that you get
them from B&D ( because we have found their semis to be
more reliable. Only problem there is they have a minimum order of $25 I
think. Replacing all three might cut it, if not you might find
SOMETHING on their website you might want to break the $25 barrier.

Also note that if you don't have a vendor or business licence MCM and
some others won't sell to you, but usually only if they're based in
your home state. MCM is in Ohio, I think B&D is in New York, but not

Also be aware that if the STKs have lot # of 7027 or starting with E4
don't trust them, that is don't second guess yourself because these lot
#s are problematic. The E4 series of STKs usually fail quickly or work
½ assed from the beginning. If you change them and get a change in
symptoms, get some frome a different supplier. Don't expect your money
back either, and remember, TV shops go through this all the time. So
when you see that the ICs are only about $12 each, don't wonder why a
TV shop needs about $200 to replace them. Of course this includes
cleaning, alignment and soldering, but getting substandard parts is a
big problem for us all.



Yes please. When you get them post back and I'll tell you where to send
them. When I receive them - I'll pay you back. How's that sound.

HA HA. Me thinkst he was being sarcastic. He gave you the links so you
could just order them yourself. I would suggest however, that you get
them from B&D ( because we have found their semis to be
more reliable. Only problem there is they have a minimum order of $25 I
think. Replacing all three might cut it, if not you might find
SOMETHING on their website you might want to break the $25 barrier.

Also note that if you don't have a vendor or business licence MCM and
some others won't sell to you, but usually only if they're based in
your home state. MCM is in Ohio, I think B&D is in New York, but not
<<< Snippppp>>>

MCM does not require that you be a business in order to do business with
them... I have placed many orders from them without a business name.

And yes, I was being sarcastic when I asked if I should buy them for you..
searching the web for electronics suppliers is child's play... and you could
have easily done it for yourself instead of asking someone else to do it for
you. Try Google first next time you need something.. you'lll save time
and the subsequent ridicule that you deserve and will likely get.

Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just subsitute the appropriate characters in
the address)

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!
Thanks a bunch for the reply. Very informative, and I will check them
out. I am capable of searching and ordering components online and have
done so. But FYI, I am having difficulty locating components for this
particular TV. So, usually when I try to cross to NTE, and they don't
have it, I am stuck ordering through Union or Tritronics, and they are
limited in what they carry as far as Hitachi parts go. One of the links
Jurb posted was helpful (carry gobbs of Hitachi replacement parts). I
have searched the web for other Hitachi part suppliers but haven't had
any luck. This is the long story of why I asked what seemed to be a
lazy request. My post was not asking someone to surf the web for a part
for me, but asking if someone familiar with STK's could tell me there
are generics available - yes or no question. I can take ridicule, but I
sure wouldn't bother to take the time to look for a component if I
thought the person asking could do it their self. (unless I was looking
for an excuse to ridicule someone). Jurb, thanks for the links, and I
have your ridicule..........................