Hello, I'm new here.. I'm from Venezuela, and I'm doing an internship for
graduate the next year of Electronic Enginnering. My proyect is to make
generator of high voltage pulses (spikes) with rise time of 10ns or les
and pulse width variable between 100ns to 500ns... This is for connect i
to a pizoelectric transducer. I also need to make the receiver for it.
I've a basic circuit that I'm using for generates spikes of 200Voltio
with more or less 10ns rise time, but when a increment the voltage th
rise time also it grows.. so I need turn on the mosfet more quickly.. Th
basic circuit that I'm using is turn-on and turn-off a mosfet IRF840 tha
charge and discharge a capacitor through a resistor. I'm turning on th
mosfet with a pair of N and P channel Mosfet, IRF9120/IRF110.
IF somebody can help me, I'll been thankful...
My email is [email protected]
p.s.: sorry for the errors in the message, i'm still learning english
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graduate the next year of Electronic Enginnering. My proyect is to make
generator of high voltage pulses (spikes) with rise time of 10ns or les
and pulse width variable between 100ns to 500ns... This is for connect i
to a pizoelectric transducer. I also need to make the receiver for it.
I've a basic circuit that I'm using for generates spikes of 200Voltio
with more or less 10ns rise time, but when a increment the voltage th
rise time also it grows.. so I need turn on the mosfet more quickly.. Th
basic circuit that I'm using is turn-on and turn-off a mosfet IRF840 tha
charge and discharge a capacitor through a resistor. I'm turning on th
mosfet with a pair of N and P channel Mosfet, IRF9120/IRF110.
IF somebody can help me, I'll been thankful...
My email is [email protected]
p.s.: sorry for the errors in the message, i'm still learning english
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