Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with DSC Power832 system


Martin Forget


I need help with my home alarm system.

I want to add a new zone the my current alarm system,a DSC Power832
system with two keypads and no extended modules. I currently have 6
zones installed. Zones 1 to 5 are IR and door contacts while zone 6 is
linked to a smoke detector.

I want to add a door contact to a new zone, zone 7, but I am unable to
make it work. I first tested my door contact by using it instead of an
already working one (zone 1). It worked fine. I went to the zone
definition menu (*8, installer code, 001, then 01,02, up to 07 where
is assigned it the code 01. I wanted it to be a delayed entry like my
front door, but nothing happened. Surprisingly, the zone 7 and 8 where
set to 03 (instant) instead 00 (Null Zone). No wires are connected to
those two zones...

I also played with the zone attributes (107), by setting them to
1,2,3,4. But still, nothing. I open or close the contact, and nothing
happens (the system is always ready, no chimes...)

Another strange thing is that in the bypass menu, only the zones 1 to
6 are displayed. I can't see the zone 7 or 8. I looked in the DSC
documentation to see if there is a way to disable zones, but I can't
see anything.

Does someone has a solution to my problem?

Thank you



Zones programmed as Null must be removed from both Partitions (See Section 5.1 "Zone Definition).


You felt compelled to post this even after Rojas's correct yet simple answer?

Martin Forget

Jim was giving him a fish. I was teaching him how to fish.
Zones programmed as Null must be removed from both Partitions (See Section 5.1 "Zone Definition).


You felt compelled to post this even after Rojas's correct yet simple answer?

Thank you to both of you, It worked like a charm!... And I also
learned how to fish in the process!



Jim was giving him a fish. I was teaching him how to fish.

Enough carping. But just for the halibut, clam up, will ya?