Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help wanted

glucose device

I would like someone to tell me how i would add a blue tooth transmitter to a glucose monitoring device .the glucose monitor has a usb out the will give info to a computer.
the glucose monitor also has a audible alarm that goes off when the persons sugar is low


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would (perhaps) be looking for a USB extension device that operates via bluetooth. That may be your best option.

Certainly one that doesn't require an engineer, nor the reams and reams of paperwork that go with modifying medical devices (assuming you want to do it properly)

However everything I read suggests that these (bluetooth usb extenders) don't exist.

It's a non-trivial problem. Does anyone make a glucose monitor that has a wireless link for monitoring purposes. Even if it costs several thousand dollars, it would still be cheap compared to getting an add-on device designed and made.

I'm not sure any of this really helps you though, sorry.
The other way to approach it is
The monitoring device has 2 parts that communicate via rf
If you can intercept the rf signal and decifer the glucose reading
Then have a program that determines if it is low
And if it is low send a blue tooth signal to the phone


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Implantable devices have wireless links, but I think we're taking about a totally different beast.

The problem is that this thing is a medical device. I can't see bluetooth being used for critical alarms, and especially not if connected to a piece of equipment that isn't also designed for the kind of guaranteed performance that medical devices require.

If you look at the potential risks here, it is death if you don't get an alarm that your glucose is too low and nobody else assists you if you lose consciousness. And for medical devices, when the risk is death, there are a huge number of hoops to jump through.

The risk here is even higher in some respects than the glucose monitor itself. Presumably it does its own calibration and tells you if that fails. If you have to rely on a consumer grade wireless link too... eeek!
Here I my wifes problem and I don't think she is the only 1
My wife is a brittle diabetic and this device is great as long as she dosent go low
The alarm will sound to alert her she is going low at 90
But that is to late and if it goes off at 100 she will ignor it because it interferes with her life
So the device needs to notify someone else