Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help Wanted: 1 Layer Board in Expedition PCB


Gerhart H.

Program: Mentor Graphics Expedition PCB 2005

I tried to generate a template for a 1 layer board (Bottom) with jumper
wires on the top side. However, I failed to do the setups for it because
there seems to be no way to make drill holes with bottom pads (not vias)
being accepted as vias with only one layer active.

With a standard via there is no way to make a 1 layer template by
deleting the second layer in the 2 layer template. The strict setup
controls forbid that because vias at least have 2 layers.

Maybe one of the experts in this world has a clue. It would make me
happy to share his knowledge.



Program: Mentor Graphics Expedition PCB 2005

I tried to generate a template for a 1 layer board (Bottom) with jumper
wires on the top side. However, I failed to do the setups for it because
there seems to be no way to make drill holes with bottom pads (not vias)
being accepted as vias with only one layer active.
I cannot help you directly with Mentor but when I used Cadstar, I simply used a
2 layer template. The "jumpers" were tracks on the top of the board. When
creating the Gerber files I only processed the solder side.
The top side track could be used with the silk screen to show where the jumpers
are fitted.


Joel Kolstad

Geo said:
I cannot help you directly with Mentor but when I used Cadstar, I simply
used a
2 layer template. The "jumpers" were tracks on the top of the board.

I was thinking that there'd be a drawback with that approach in that you
couldn't cross traces (which -- given enough jumpers -- might eventually be
very difficult to avoid), but presumably you just turn that off in your DRC
rules and it works fine?


I was thinking that there'd be a drawback with that approach in that you
couldn't cross traces (which -- given enough jumpers -- might eventually be
very difficult to avoid), but presumably you just turn that off in your DRC
rules and it works fine?



I was thinking that there'd be a drawback with that approach in that you
couldn't cross traces (which -- given enough jumpers -- might eventually be
very difficult to avoid), but presumably you just turn that off in your DRC
rules and it works fine?
Not quite - on the rare occassion where the assembly people would allow two
links to cross (one would need insulation - at a cost) I just used the facility
to have an "unfinished" route at that point.


Joel Kolstad

Geo said:
Not quite - on the rare occassion where the assembly people would allow two
links to cross (one would need insulation - at a cost) I just used the
to have an "unfinished" route at that point.

Ah, gotcha. I was thinking more prototype boards where the jumper links are
just fine-gauge insulated wire, not "proper" links like you're using.