Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help setting up project

So I'm trying to do a very simple project that involves either a linear actuator or servo. All that I need it to do is when i press a toggle switch one way, the actuator goes up, and when i press the toggle switch the other way, the toggle switch goes down. It needs to be under 7 or so inches long. It also doesn't need much thrust, probably only around 10 pounds or so, maybe not even that. I know the obvious solution is just to buy a linear actuator, however I don't have an extra $150 to spend. Someone recommended a power door lock actuator, but I'm not sure if I could connect that to a toggle switch or not. I have a 6 terminal toggle switch and a 12V battery to work with. So what else do i need?


Sadly passed away in 2015
You need to connect your toggle switch as a "reversing switch" (this is a standard configuration; google it). It needs to be the "centre off" type. This will give you a DC voltage of one or other polarity to power your actuator.

For the actuator, have you considered a small motor and a worm drive? Have a look at the head seeking mechanism in a floppy disk drive. They have only about an inch of travel and very little force but it shows the idea. Or maybe you could get an electric window actuator from an auto wrecker. That's the end of my suggestions. Good luck!