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Maker Pro

Help repairing several Reconyx trail cameras

Hello my fellow members,

I have several Reconyx trail cameras that are broken and I am hoping someone can help me with. They cost around $600,- per camera and I am not able to send them out for warranty. These cameras are used to capture photos of wildlife (jaguars, tapir, etc.) and are subjected to the outside tropical climate in Suriname all year round (they are of course built for this). They use an infrared sensor to detect movement and warmth and make several photos upon triggering. During day they capture color photos and during night/low light they capture black/white photos with the help of an infrared flash. Some cameras (of varying age and time-in-field) have developed problems. I will try to describe them as clear as possible below. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am not an electronics guy. I have never soldered before but I have been doing some research and wouldn't mind trying it out if the fix is something doable and I also have some old circuit boards I could practice on. At the moment I have a multimeter and the more common tools such as screwdrivers. If you could point me in the right direction as to what I should be looking for as possible defective component or try to replace that would be awesome. There are two models of camera, they are pictured below.

Model 1:
IMG_20161106_092858 (3).jpg IMG_20161106_094109.jpg

Model 2:
IMG_20161106_094427.jpg IMG_20161106_094600.jpg

Now on to the problems:
1. The particular two cameras pictured above are not powering on. More specifically, it seems that the boards are not drawing any power. The boards are powered by 12 NiMH AA batteries. The power cable is able to power other boards, so the problem must lie with some component on the boards themselves. Which components could be causing the problem and do you think it is fixable? Can I visually inspect for defects are test anything with my multimeter?

2. Normally when the camera powers on, the display shows reading card and then the percent full (of SD card) and percent battery left. Several cameras show reading card and the "ERROR no light meter". The display doesn't go past this point. One of the cameras first showed SD card write lock or insert card error (while the card was inserted and was not locked) and when that was resolved (I have always been able to resolve write lock errors by reinserting the card or blowing air into the slot) showed the "ERROR no light meter". Because of this I was thinking maybe the "ERROR no light meter" could have something to do with the SD card slot although light meter doesn't sound like anything card related... Does anyone have any idea what this error is about and possibly how to fix it?

3. One camera when powering on shows reading camera and then flashes Reconyx on the display, goes back to reading camera and flashes Reconyx again. Keeps doing this over and over. Any ideas on this?

4. On one of the cameras, the functions of the > button and the OK button seem to have fused. If I press the > button, the input that is received is "go right and thereafter press OK". Likewise, if I press the OK button, the input that is received is "go right and thereafter press OK". Any ideas what is wrong and how to fix it? As you may have noticed by now there are more cameras so if I need to do any replacements I could also salvage from another broken camera.

5. One camera only displays numbers that keep adding up no matter which button I press. I think the numbers are also not displayed fully e.g. just some lines or pixels of the display are shown. Another camera only displays lines on the display. I thought about a display replacement for these but have no idea if it would work and if it is possible or easy to do.

6. One of the cameras has a weak flash resulting in badly lit or completely black night photos. I have tried replacing the led board but that did not fix the problem. I thought one of the capacitors may be weak/bad so I tried to get a voltage measurement with my multimeter on the two capacitor leads (where it makes contact with the board) but am not getting a reading. I probably am doing this wrong and maybe not even measuring the right capacitors?? Any help how to do this and other ideas I would appreciate very much. Oh I am posting part of this particular board down below as I can see some white stuff on some of the components (R92, R85, R93, C74 between them, etc.). What is this stuff and could it be causing problems?

IMG_20161106_092615.jpg IMG_20161106_092550.jpg

Thanks for reading through my lengthy post and if you could help me even repair one of these cameras I would be soooo grateful! :)
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The problems you describe are not likely to be economically repairable, even for an experienced technician.
Yes I had a feeling most would be difficult to repair.

Cleaner spray would help for the white stuff right?

So far I have found with help a blown diode (D31) on the one dead (meaning not powering on) board and a blown fuse on the other dead board


Cleaner spray would help for the white stuff right?

uh huh but the white stuff looks like corrosion ... ie. water has leaked into the unit
and cleaning the corrosion off will just make a faulty board "look nice" ;)

if power was on the camera when it got wet, then the damage could well be extensive
and for the most part, not visible


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
On the other hand, spray is cheap. If it helps, you've achieved something. If not, no great loss.

If these boards do actually have batteries on board, care must be taken when cleaning the boards. Preferably you remove them first.

If there's no batteries, I would first immerse the board in a mixture of distilled water and maybe a drop of detergent, and if possible use an ultrasonic cleaner (don't immerse in water if there are batteries on the board). shake the board as dry as possible, but don't heat it.

Then immerse the board in alcohol (preferably ethanol, but methanol or mentholated spirits is also OK). This will displace the water.

Again, shake it as dry as possible and then place it in a warm place away from sparks and naked flames until it is dried. You can also place it in an oven set to something under 100C (212F).

It's not guaranteed, and works best if it is done ASAP after exposure to moisture.

Remember that parts may not like immersion in either or both of these solutions, and heat may damage them, but if they're not working it may be worth a shot.
I was suggesting the contact cleaner to clean contacts, like plug in connectors, battery connects, SD slots, anything that makes a disconnectable contact. It's saved my bacon a couple of times.
I'm not trying to be intrusive , but why is warranty service not doable ?
It would be nice to know in case I find myself in the same situation some day.
Sorry for the late reply, I was very busy at work.

Contact spray I can try.

Ultrasonic cleaner is a no go you think the immersion would still be helpful?
Most of the cameras have been sitting in a box for months now.

Indeed I think most have expired warranty. Customs over here is also a real headache. And the ones I've opened (I think three of them) definitely have voided warranty now :D