Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help please with wiring potentiometer joystick to a motor controller/joystickleftpin23connection.png controller/joystickleftpin12connection.png motor controller/joystickinmiddlepin230.png motor controller/joystickinmiddlepin120.png


I want to control a low voltage 12v dc motor with a potentiometer joystick.
I would like it to be connected in a way that when the joystick is moved left the motor turn one direction and when moved right the motor turns the other direction and when in the middle there is no movement from the motor.

Ive attached pictures of how the potentiometer is working as it seems different from my other potentiometers i have.
When using the diode test function or 2k ohm function on my multimeter it reads zero (or 1 meaning no change from before connected) and when connecting pin 1 and 2 i only get a reading when the joystick is moved to the left and likewise when connected to pin 2 and 3 i only get a reading when the joystick is moved to the right. With my other potentiometers they have no 0 middle position.

So does anyone no a simple way to wire this to get what i want to achieve?

I can be even using something like two of these in conjunction with each other wired to the single potentiometer-

or maybe two of these ones-

Thanks in advance, hoping that someone can help
I was measuring the potentiometer on to low a setting so its just a standard potentiometer. With the joystick positioning the potentiometer start position in the middle and only wiping to each side.

Now with this new information does anyone no how it can be used to control a motor in FWD BRAKE and REV?

Maybe someone knows of a radio control type module i could modify?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You could do it with a simple migrocontroller (like a PICaxe) and use it to determine the position by measuring a voltage (use the pot as a potential divider)

Then you get the picaxe to convert the position to PWM control using an H Bridge so you can control speed and direction.

You could also do it with discrete electronics, but it would be a lot more effort I think.

Also, almost any uC with a couple of ADCs and some PWM outputs could do this.