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Help on SPDT Solid State Relay or Equivalent Device

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I can completely understand your predicament at those other sites. Unfortunately you will not have any better outcome here. Stepping back, I mean REALLY stepping back and looking at what you have written will make the reason obvious.

As to your circuit, well, the first question would be what the h#@%$ are you doing and do you have any clue? Since that is not up for discussion, I do not think you will get very far.

I can completely understand your predicament at those other sites. Unfortunately you will not have any better outcome here. Stepping back, I mean REALLY stepping back and looking at what you have written will make the reason obvious.

As to your circuit, well, the first question would be what the h#@%$ are you doing and do you have any clue? Since that is not up for discussion, I do not think you will get very far.


I understand. I also understand that I have discovered something that could help a great many people, and that all I am going to find here is rudeness. Goodbye.
I understand. I also understand that I have discovered something that could help a great many people, and that all I am going to find here is rudeness. Goodbye.
What you have found has been around for a century or more as a scam. The idea is that if you apply a "positive voltage" to the body then a "negative voltage" that it has magical powers.

It is propagated either by idiots that do not understand that what they are doing is a scam, or by low life crooks that know and try and take advantage of people. I do not know or care which group you are in, but it is still junk science. The only discovery you have made is that people are gullible and that was actually discovered in prehistoric times.

Good luck.

What you have found has been around for a century or more as a scam. The idea is that if you apply a "positive voltage" to the body then a "negative voltage" that it has magical powers.

It is propagated either by idiots that do not understand that what they are doing is a scam, or by low life crooks that know and try and take advantage of people. I do not know or care which group you are in, but it is still junk science. The only discovery you have made is that people are gullible and that was actually discovered in prehistoric times.

Good luck.


I'm sorry. Let me clarify. _ _ _ _ Y O U R _ _ _ _ O F F MY _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _
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What you have found has been around for a century or more as a scam. The idea is that if you apply a "positive voltage" to the body then a "negative voltage" that it has magical powers.

It is propagated either by idiots that do not understand that what they are doing is a scam, or by low life crooks that know and try and take advantage of people. I do not know or care which group you are in, but it is still junk science. The only discovery you have made is that people are gullible and that was actually discovered in prehistoric times.

Good luck.


And, ps., not trying to make any money. In fact have sacrificed what most people take for granted for 4 1/2 years in order to develop this. There is no voltage applied to the body. What I want to do is develop a set of plans to be distributed freely. The electromechanical devices I have made that do the same thing I have distributed at my cost. You are a real *******, and an ignorant one. **** off.
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And, ps., not trying to make any money. In fact have sacrificed what most people take for granted for 4 1/2 years in order to develop this. There is no voltage applied to the body. What I want to do is develop a set of plans to be distributed freely. The electromechanical devices I have made that do the same thing I have distributed at my cost. You are a real asshole, and an ignorant one. **** off.
The more you post, the more I realize that my original opinion of you was so very wrong; I was way too charitable.

Someone who wants to give away their "discovery" for the good of humanity does not start with the disclaimer that what the circuit does and how it does it is strictly not open for discussion. Because you deleted your post shows a lot.

Also, I did look at your now deleted "schematic" You are missing the basic physics. You can not flow 1000A, or even 1pA if there is no circuit. Just alternately connecting the ends of a battery to an "output" and claim that it has any effects is junk science. Quacks and snake oil salesmen have been pushing it for a century. You are just the latest in a long and ignoble line.


P.S. I suggest you stick to the forum where people are offering to soup up a mechanical relay for you, so it will run at your target frequency of 10MHz.
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Now THAT I gotta see. Please let me know how that goes, the 10MHz mechanical relay. My interest has been piqued.
There you go:

For the help on souping up the relay:

If you want the evolution of this saga:

It is amazing how people on some forums are taking this seriously even after some of the members have pointed out the absurdity and basic violation of the laws of physics.

He started posting this at atleast one other forum last night and people instantly pointed out the absurdity and he left in a huff. There may be a few other forums that have not shown up in Google yet.

A person on the second link above pointed out that this may actually be something more sinister than snake oil scam, which I had not considered. Considering that he is posting from a hard to trace library computer, it kind of fits that pattern.

I've got to agree with this guy:
If there is no current flow at any time, you don't need the battery, or the battery pack, or the test leads, or the relay. The one ohm resistance is meaningless without a current.

But it's fun to see everyone argue about ratings. There is no current flow at any time, but I need something rated to 1000A? I'd use air. It can probably handle 10MHz at 1000non-Amps easily, and it's cheap.

But who knows, people probably laughed at Franklin, Edison, Tesla, et al. So best of luck to you, sir!
The more you post, the more I realize that my original opinion of you was so very wrong; I was way too charitable.

Someone who wants to give away their "discovery" for the good of humanity does not start with the disclaimer that what the circuit does and how it does it is strictly not open for discussion. Because you deleted your post shows a lot.

Also, I did look at your now deleted "schematic" You are missing the basic physics. You can not flow 1000A, or even 1pA if there is no circuit. Just alternately connecting the ends of a battery to an "output" and claim that it has any effects is junk science. Quacks and snake oil salesmen have been pushing it for a century. You are just the latest in a long and ignoble line.


P.S. I suggest you stick to the forum where people are offering to soup up a mechanical relay for you, so it will run at your target frequency of 10MHz.

I don't want to spread it around too much without the supporting information, which I have not committed to type. It is dangerous. It would be like distributing PCP to elementary school children to describe the complete device. There are limits.
There is no current flow, apparently you missed that part.
Well, explain to me how a permanent magnet works, how they attract each other and metals. An editor of Discover magazine went on a quest to find the answer, which led him to a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, who engaged in a 15 minute-long evasion which ended with the reproach that the editor wasn't really interested in science, just in baiting scientists. The best answer he could find was "virtual photons". Welly welly welly well, virtual photons. Could anything be more flimsy and insubstantial? Or stupid? How about the "Forbidden domains" in glow in the dark materials? Or the quantum tunneling that has been verified in certain enzymes in living systems (whatever "quantum tunneling" means in any real sense). Or the "infinite number of photons" required for the Red Shift equations? Or how Heaviside arbitraily truncated Maxwell's equations, or how Poynting then ironically dismissed Heaviside's "nondiverged component"? Mainstream science is chock full of holes, which is why Arthur C. Clarke wrote that new scientific ideas go through four stages of acceptance.
1. It's crazy
2. It might work, so what?
3. I always said it would work
4. I thought of it first
Theories make wonderful toys. Some of them can even be used to make machines that "work", to the extent of being extremely lossy devices. But theory should never trump observed, repeatable phenomena. There is something else there. Several people who have experienced the effects have asked me to turn it off after a short time, even though there is no electromagnetic radiation emitted, and there is no direct contact with the body. In fact, the machine can affect a specific organism at least from Cincinnati to Missouri.
I'm sorry that it angers you that you committed a goodly part of your life to the study of things based on faulty premises. That's why I never became fluent in any field, though I have been able to use concepts from many fields to produce inventions of great use. I suspected false premises from the beginning, and what do you know, I was right.
Maybe it has something to do withe the "Heaviside nondiverged component" or Thomas Bearden's idea that every charge is a "negative resistor". I don't know and I don't claim to know. What I do know is that I have a robust effect that requires many brains, as opposed to one, to wrangle it into practical use. Although it does have it's uses already, I feel I have only barely scratched the surface.
I am considering using separate batteries or battery packs to avoid the possibility of a dead short, we'll see how that works out. Also, two tiny solar cells in on-off photoconductive mode (flashing LEDs) as switches. I will have to check the on-off delays in milliseconds, resistance in off mode. Etc.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Chumley.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I'm not sure that we're going to be able to help you... I somehow think we're not operating at exactly your level of understanding.

Well, explain to me how a permanent magnet works, how they attract each other and metals. An editor of Discover magazine went on a quest to find the answer, which led him to a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, who engaged in a 15 minute-long evasion which ended with the reproach that the editor wasn't really interested in science, just in baiting scientists.

I can find no reference to this happening. Can you provide one?

But theory should never trump observed, repeatable phenomena.

It doesn't. Repeatable, testable phenomena that are not explained by theory require and result in a change to the theory to accommodate them.
But theory should never trump observed, repeatable phenomena.
Sorry, you left out the critical point, how typical! "Observed and repeatable" is meaningless. It has to be "observed, repeatable and independently verifiable" Right now we have nothing but the figment of your imagination and a string of incoherent buzz words and hot air.

But, finally we have made progress. At least we do know where you are coming from:
That's why I never became fluent in any field
Never known of anyone to be so proud of their ignorance. I guess if one is not fluent in any field, everything that can be explained by a little knowledge in the field appears groundbreaking.

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I don't want to spread it around too much without the supporting information, which I have not committed to type. It is dangerous. It would be like distributing PCP to elementary school children to describe the complete device. There are limits.
There is no current flow, apparently you missed that part.
Well, explain to me how a permanent magnet works, how they attract each other and metals. An editor of Discover magazine went on a quest to find the answer, which led him to a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, who engaged in a 15 minute-long evasion which ended with the reproach that the editor wasn't really interested in science, just in baiting scientists. The best answer he could find was "virtual photons". Welly welly welly well, virtual photons. Could anything be more flimsy and insubstantial? Or stupid? How about the "Forbidden domains" in glow in the dark materials? Or the quantum tunneling that has been verified in certain enzymes in living systems (whatever "quantum tunneling" means in any real sense). Or the "infinite number of photons" required for the Red Shift equations? Or how Heaviside arbitraily truncated Maxwell's equations, or how Poynting then ironically dismissed Heaviside's "nondiverged component"? Mainstream science is chock full of holes, which is why Arthur C. Clarke wrote that new scientific ideas go through four stages of acceptance.
1. It's crazy
2. It might work, so what?
3. I always said it would work
4. I thought of it first
Theories make wonderful toys. Some of them can even be used to make machines that "work", to the extent of being extremely lossy devices. But theory should never trump observed, repeatable phenomena. There is something else there. Several people who have experienced the effects have asked me to turn it off after a short time, even though there is no electromagnetic radiation emitted, and there is no direct contact with the body. In fact, the machine can affect a specific organism at least from Cincinnati to Missouri.
I'm sorry that it angers you that you committed a goodly part of your life to the study of things based on faulty premises. That's why I never became fluent in any field, though I have been able to use concepts from many fields to produce inventions of great use. I suspected false premises from the beginning, and what do you know, I was right.
Maybe it has something to do withe the "Heaviside nondiverged component" or Thomas Bearden's idea that every charge is a "negative resistor". I don't know and I don't claim to know. What I do know is that I have a robust effect that requires many brains, as opposed to one, to wrangle it into practical use. Although it does have it's uses already, I feel I have only barely scratched the surface.
I am considering using separate batteries or battery packs to avoid the possibility of a dead short, we'll see how that works out. Also, two tiny solar cells in on-off photoconductive mode (flashing LEDs) as switches. I will have to check the on-off delays in milliseconds, resistance in off mode. Etc.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Chumley.
Figured I would preserve your post before you delete it.
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