Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help - Nokia 2260 LCD data? Is there a Nokia 2210? Euroguys' input?



I'm making a few (cuneiform) sexagesimal desk clocks out of clay.

Hence I've been trying to find some cheap LCDs in old TDMA phones
(LCDs from Spark Fun etc. are $9 vs. entire phones from eBay <$4), so
I rolled the dice and bought a bulk load of scrap Nokia 2260s hoping
that the LCD would be similar to the 3310, which is very well
documented. Unfortunately not - the LCD is an 84x48 monochrome with an
8-pin elastomeric connector vs the springy wire connector on the 3310.
Luckily there are loads of other handy parts in these phones, such as
several blue LEDs.

All of the sites with reference data on reusing cellphone LCDs are
Europe-based, so they talk about the GSM 800/1800 models. IN GENERAL
the Nokia GSM model numbers are xx10, xx15 and the TDMA model numbers
are xx20, xx60, xx61, with IS-95 phones being usually xx95. So I was
hoping someone here might know about a Nokia "2210" phone or whatever
else in the rest of the world would be equivalent to the 2260.

Here's what a scope says about the pads on the cellphone mainboard
(these numbers may be back to front, of course):

1 - 1.9V (Vdd?)

2 - probably _CS; goes low during each 9-clock data burst

3 - 0V (GND?)

4 - probably serial data out to LCD, data setup on falling CLK edge

5 - probably serial clk, sends 9 clock pulses at a time

6 - 0V (GND?)

7 - 1.1V (?!)

8 - 0V (guess: Vlcd since the LCD was not connected)

Nothing at <> matches exactly,
though the 6310 pinout is very similar.

Any ideas would be gratefully received.


larwe said:
I'm making a few (cuneiform) sexagesimal desk clocks out of clay.

Sorry I don't have any answers to your questions, but I found it quite
coincidental that I was listening to David Gray's "Babylon" while reading
this message. I never could understand that unwritten decimal place.
Please let us see the final pic on a.b.s.e.

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye,
Mesop-YBC 7289


Please let us see the final pic on a.b.s.e.

The schematic is very simple - not interesting, even. It's just an
MSP430T2012 target board wired to two pushbuttons, a battery, and the
LCD. It's the firmware that's interesting, and the clay housing. I'm
using a kind of synthetic terra-cotta ersatz clay called DAS (air-dry,
not fired).

The clock is really just a stepping-stone project (no pun intended) to
a calculator, by the way.

Progress has been made, though. The pinout is definitely the same as
the Nokia 6310/6310i LCD. However the LCD itself is very different;
84x48, and the driver appears to be a PCF8811. This morning I
determined that latter fact the hard way; i.e. with a storage scope,
triggering on _RESET and hand-decoding the data coming down the SPI
bus, then comparing this to the various datasheets for candidate

At powerup, the phone asserts and releases _RESET, then sends:

010100000 (Mirror X = 0)
000000000 (NOP)
000010000 (set X addr = 0)
010110000 (set Y addr = 0)
100000000 x84 (write data byte)
000000000 (NOP)
000010000 (set X addr = 0)
010110001 (set Y addr = 1)
100000000 x84 (write data byte)
000000000 (NOP)
000010000 (set X addr = 0)
010110010 (set Y addr = 2)
100000000 x84 (write data byte)
... etc to clear the screen

In passing, I should remind everyone to delete old text messages off
their phones before returning or recycling. I'm tempted to SMS a
certain gentleman in New York to ask him if he and "Princess" really
did get to do what he was proposing on New Years' Eve of 2005.