Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help needed to repair an electric blanket heat selector. Fuse blown?

Hi all. I'm hoping that someone on here might be able to help me out with the repair of my new electric blanket heat selecter. I bought the blanket just before Christmas. I've not used it much but last night it died. Normaly I'd just give it back but I've lost the recipt.

I suspect it has overheated and blown a fuse on the circiut board. I have checked for power to the switch and done a continuity test on the blanket it's self with my meter which is ok.
so it must be the board. Apart from that the selector has 4 heat settings.

Can anyone help me with this?



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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I suspect that "something" between the two resistors covered in all the white gunk.

Does it look like a fuse?

Does it have continuity?
Yeah, I'd check under the white gunk, but what little I can see of it, makes me think
it's another resistor.
You shouldda taken the thing back to the store even without a receipt and taken a
shot at returning it.
How do the connector pins/sockets from the controller to the blanket look?
Did your washing maching maybe break a connection to the heating elements in the
Are any of those wires fusible links?
The diodes and resistors on the board are easy to check for resistance, I'm just trying
to think of what else might be causing the problem, if the board looks ok to your meter.
Any suspicious kinks in the wiring to the board, that might be breaks in the wire?
Hi and thanks for your help so far. I can report that the blue things under the white gunk work with a continuity test. However with the same test a few of those little black things pass don't and a few do not. Could it be these? What are they?

No it's never been washed and the cable/control detach anyway. The controler is a slider with 4 stops. I haven't done any resistance testing. I do have a meter but dunno how to read off the values

BTW. I got a flat no way from the store when i asked for help.

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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Those black things are diodes and they should "pass" the continuity test one way but not the other way.

Other elements in the circuit may conspire to affect the readings though.
Why are you trying to fix a brand new product? You will void the warranty, if you haven't already. In general, I have found if a product works for 90 days, it will function for a good period of time, unless abused.
There's a possibility.
The store refused you, but if you've still got the paperwork that came in the package
with the blanket (and even if you don't), maybe you can contact the manufacturer
and try to get the blanket fixed or replaced.
The store warranty is very limited, but the blanket manufacturer warranty should be
much longer.