Maker Pro
Maker Pro




I have a 3v dc motor that turns at a slow rpm. It has a rubber wheel
that comes in contact with a baseball. This allows the baseball to be
pushed in to a pitching machine. The ball waits in line to be driven
by the motor. I would like to be able to turn the motor on but have a
time delay of approximately 15 sec before it runs continuously. I will
have a limit switch to turn off the motor after the last ball has been
pitched. What type of circuit would be needed to produce this? I know
this is pretty basic but I’m very new to this.

If I were to increase the voltage so the motor would turn at a higher
RPM, say 6v dc whould it hurt the motor?

I can read schematics, build circuits and have experience with
electronic components but having the proper circuit would make things
very easy for me. Can some one make a schematic that I can use to
accomplish this? Any information would greatly be appreciated. Thank
you in advance for your time.

Dave K