Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help Needed on Project

Hi all, new to here and I need a little help I am looking at some kind of relay or switch that will do the following,
hopefully all the info I provide will be enough to help.


I need to be able to switch the out put of the live to either pole
So for instance if I had 2 outputs and 2 inputs, could I do the following
input 1 permanent live feed to output 1
when I then apply switched live to input 2 it switches off output 1 and allows live to goto output 2, when the live to input 2 ends it switches back to original state?
Does this make sense?
I basically need to control live output between 2 poles but only use 1 live input (hence me mentioning a permenant live)
Or is there a simpler way?
Be gentle I do understand but lack the terminology.
Sir Darren Matthews . . . . .

Examine below and see if it accomplishes what you said that I think that you said was what you said . . . get the idea ?


If the two sources can share a common ground / cold line, as is drawn in as the very bottom.line.

Normally the bottom INPUT 240AC source 1 comes in and passes thru the relay contact to exit as OUTPUT 1.

Should power appear on INPUT2 it engages the relay, to switch the relay to the GREEN square state with INPUT2 routing through and being the OUTPUT 2.

That remains until a loss of INPUT 2 voltage, in which case the system disengages the relay and reverts back to INPUT 1 being the OUTPUT 1 voltage source.

Is this right ?

73's de Edd

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