Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help needed in embedding an software into usb thumpdrive and that can't be erased

help needed in embedding an software into usb thumpdrive and that can't be formatted! Basically my idea is to protect my usb thumpdrive. I want to build an application and to embed it into the usb flashdrive memory.. the application should not get erased while formatting. The idea is something like U3smart. The program should get written into the chip. and when we plug the flashdrive into a computer, it should ask for the password to access the pendrive. if password is entered correctly then it should grant access for the user, if password is wrong the usb thump drive should not open in any cause. the app should not get erased, but the whole driver can be formatted but the file should still remain in its chip memory..
Im not an expert in microcontroller. now guy pls tell me the whole scopes in developing such an setup..
tell me what all hardware i would require, the apps and development kit to develop such a setup...
