Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help needed designing square wave osc (555)



Hi, I've been trying to calculate "standard" values that would make me
a 555 R1/R2/C1 square wave oscillator with a 50% duty cycle operating
at close to 30Hz.

Can someone assist? My numbers come out with "odd" component values.

I need a 30Hz and 60Hz oscillator eventually.
Ideally a variable oscillator that could be set to 30 or 60 would be

consider f=1/tau=1.44/[ra+2rb]/c
duty cycle =rb/ra+2rb
thus f=1/t1+t2
if you don;t undestand this maybe you should consider giving it up

Rich Grise

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 08:12:04 -0700 (PDT), Kasterborus

Using that astable configuration it's impossible to get a 50% duty cycle.

Only if you use the "standard" configuration - I did it once with a couple
of diodes - "steering diodes" such that there was one R value for charge
and a completely different value for discharge, independently selected.

But that symmetrical one that only works with a CMOS chip is much more
elegant. :)


Rich Grise

frequency. There is also a little gotcha in this method, but there is
no point going into it, here, unless you want to try going this way. It
has to do with a known bug in the design of the 555.

Well, come on, John - don't leave us hanging! Which bug is this?


Jasen Betts

Hi, I've been trying to calculate "standard" values that would make me
a 555 R1/R2/C1 square wave oscillator with a 50% duty cycle operating
at close to 30Hz.

for 50% that's the wrong circuit to use.
drop r2 and wire r1 from pin 3 to pin 2 - that'll get you pretty close
to 50%
Can someone assist? My numbers come out with "odd" component values.

use a variable resistor.



Many thanks to all who replied - the circuit with 120K/0.1uF works
very well.

I want to feed this into an audio ring modulator circuit - (2
transformers, 4 Ge diodes) My carrier is coming in from a mic pre-amp
- which when I checked on my scope looked like a -10 to 10V signal.
The output from the oscillator (currently running at 5v) is too small
to be an effective modulator and really needs to be amplified and
offset to match the range of the carrier.

I can do this if I have a differential power supply, but at the moment
I just have a +12V supply - is there any way to do the shift down
using just this?

(Did I explain that correctly - industry terminology has never been my
strong point)



Kasterborus Inscribed thus:
Many thanks to all who replied - the circuit with 120K/0.1uF works
very well.

I want to feed this into an audio ring modulator circuit - (2
transformers, 4 Ge diodes) My carrier is coming in from a mic pre-amp
- which when I checked on my scope looked like a -10 to 10V signal.
The output from the oscillator (currently running at 5v) is too small
to be an effective modulator and really needs to be amplified and
offset to match the range of the carrier.

Attenuate the output of the mic amp !


Attenuate the output of the mic amp !

But then wouldn't I end up with a low level signal on the output?
My "power amp" (stripped PC speaker) wouldn't be able to amplify the
signal to the level needed to drive the speaker.


Michael Black

Many thanks to all who replied - the circuit with 120K/0.1uF works
very well.

I want to feed this into an audio ring modulator circuit - (2
transformers, 4 Ge diodes) My carrier is coming in from a mic pre-amp
- which when I checked on my scope looked like a -10 to 10V signal.
The output from the oscillator (currently running at 5v) is too small
to be an effective modulator and really needs to be amplified and
offset to match the range of the carrier.
But what's the end project? Unless you specifically want a modified
signal on the output, you may not want a square wave. A sine-wave would
do the same thing if your intent is merely to translate the audio input up
to a higher frequency. Using a square wave will modify the signal, so
you'll get more than a translation (in electronic music, the modification
is what's wanted) For that matter, if this is a "scrambler", one article
decades ago suggested using a radio for the second signal, making sure to
use the same station at both scrambler and descrambler.

There is nothing magic about a ring modulator. You can get the same
effect with other circuitry, anything that is a double balanced mixer will
have the same effect. Using active components will get around the issue
of needing a strong "carrier" signal, and get away from the need for
audio transformers.

You can find double balanced mixers in all kinds of ICs. Sometimes they
are even deceptive, since they are used as variable gain elements and
using an audio signal instead of a varying DC level will make it a mixer.



I wanted to make a Dalek voicebox.
Modifying the signal is the desired effect.

I've seen a lot of circuite out there for voice modulators, but no-one
really explains how they work.
I was looking to build one from the ground up and grasp what was going

For 50% Tie Pin 7 With A Resistor Going To Pin 6 And 2. Leave The Pull Up As Before Then F=1/t1+t2. Iff You Cannot Understand This Maybe You Should Give Up. I Give You Everything For You To Use. Pluss There Is Gabs Of Info On This Chip here & There.


Kasterborus said:
But then wouldn't I end up with a low level signal on the output?

True ! But you would still need to provide some kind of gain control to
get the effects you want. Either way its divide by two or multiply by
My "power amp" (stripped PC speaker) wouldn't be able to amplify the
signal to the level needed to drive the speaker.


Are you driving the speaker directly ? no amp in there.
Rich Grise said:
On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 12:27:58 -0400, John Popelish wrote:

> frequency. There is also a little gotcha in this method, but there is
> no point going into it, here, unless you want to try going this way. It
> has to do with a known bug in the design of the 555.

Well, come on, John - don't leave us hanging! Which bug is this?
he must know something that one else has ever known. what is it ? for a chip that has a venerable sostainable reputation for what 30 years now. clown.
page nicholaus