Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help needed creating a toy train project

My daughter/and school is planning to create a train model for the school exhibition.

So I am looking for advice on creating a toy train engine.

The size we need for engine is around 1 feet, so its not a small toy, but should be big enough.

I need advice on planning, How BIG motors it will need, Battery or AC/DC converter.

There is also a requirement for the train to run back and forth, so there will need to be two sensors which can be utilized to track when the train is approching walls so it can return back and run in reverse.

I am myself a computer engineer, can do the technical stuff but doesnt have expertise to figureout all circuit stuff my self. Any help will be appriciated.
Do you know the weight of the finished train (approximately) and whether or not it will be pulling any carriages?

The easiest obtainable motors would be something like a car windscreen wiper motor or electric window motor - both would have the gearbox requirement already fitted and enough torque to.... well... pull a train!

If the train is lightweight and not pulling anything then the smallest of toy motors will, with the right gear reduction ratio, move it along.

A simple battery pack (D-cells) with PWM speed controller would be sufficient for full control.

Forward/reverse is achieved using a simple toggle switch (or relay) but sensing when to do this depends on what you chose, from a simple timer (5 seconds one way, five in the opposite direction etc) to microswitches on front and rear to detect an end stop to whatever......
use arduino micro controller, ultrasonic sensor,motor driver, gear motor (choose rpm depending on your req) use 12v battery, ((((( must connect 3 battery for 12v)))) or.........................................................................................................
get 12v 1ah battery
ultrasonic sensor is used to detect walls, using its info you can control train, arduino is one of the open source cheap controller. costs around 500 rupees.

you need to program it. you can get lot of tutorials of it on youtube. coding is very simple it uses mix of C C++ java
@kellys_eye - There will be few coches made either of thin wood, but can consider Polystyrene too. If it can pull the weight of 2 to 3 KG that would work I guess. The engine just had to pull the coaches, no additional weight.
The timer wont work i guess, it has to be based on distance. And I would like to avoid microcontroller as far as possible.

i work at project center, and i mad a project of bag carrying cart weight upto 10kg. i used 12v battery, 60 rpm gear motor, motor driver, bluetooth to control cart, and arduino to as a controller. It was of a mechanical student. weight of arduino is around 100g
The KISS principle applies here (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

By far the mechanical construction will take most of the time and effort. Being a simple DC motor, forward/reverse is very simple to achieve using a DPDT switch. Using a simple 'limit switch' arrangement (microswitches front and rear) can control the train direction.

The only potential 'electronics' involved would be a speed controller (assuming this was required) and that's the simplest bought-in (non-programmable) module you can get!

No 'electronics', no microprocessors or programming, no 'complication'.