Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help me in searching a good project



i has to make a project till march2006 ,i request u to please help me
and guide me on my project selection i am good at analog but weak in
commincation subject so i want a project in which loys of opamp,ic are
there but no transfom, filters etc this is my 1st project so i m
confused . i also want it to be unique pls help me


If you are as good at analog as you say, you should have no trouble
with transformers and filters.




Neeraj said:
i has to make a project till march2006 ,i request u to please help me
and guide me on my project selection i am good at analog but weak in
commincation subject so i want a project in which loys of opamp,ic are
there but no transfom, filters etc this is my 1st project so i m
confused . i also want it to be unique pls help me

"That which does not kill us makes us more employable."
(Cobbled from) Friedrich Nietzsche

If this is an undergrad project, you should automatically reach for the
achievable project that will give you the most benefit. Examine your
premises, and remember why you're going to school. The topics you're
avoiding should provide the best learning opportunity.

There are no "unique" undergrad projects. Period. You're generally
graded on the quality of your work and the understanding of the
underlying principles. As long as your project hasn't been done for
the past couple of years at your college, you should be OK.

Another potential source for advice would be Googling, where this has been a perennial topic of

You should check with your professor for help in choosing a topic, and
be sure to get his approval as soon as possible. Hurry early.

Good luck

Bob Monsen

i has to make a project till march2006 ,i request u to please help me
and guide me on my project selection i am good at analog but weak in
commincation subject so i want a project in which loys of opamp,ic are
there but no transfom, filters etc this is my 1st project so i m
confused . i also want it to be unique pls help me

Build a robot that cooks hamburgers. Lots of sensor work (shades of burger
done-ness), mechanisms and feedback for the motors, and power control.
Also, you'll be able to use it to your advantage if you flunk out of

Bob Monsen

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to
discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
- Johannes Kepler