Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help identifying this device and tips to hook it back up

So I found this item in a rummage sale and I'm a little lost as to what to do to possibly get it up and working. So I know enough to recognize that it's a power supply, but as to what, I am not sure. I could use a better bench power supply, but as to if that's what this is, or if it's for something entirely different I don't know and it really has very very little markings on it to help guide me besides those on the transformer. Any help is appreciated.14368748682401027012592.jpg
That sure is a power supply. The pcb has the voltages on, so connecting it up shouldn't be a problem.
NOTE, top left, straighten Q4 to Q8 and make sure there is no shorts there.

The top line on the identification name plate has the model number.
Google it and see if you can get more information about it.