Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help! how to use BJT as voltage amplifier with Common-Emitter configuration

i saw this link..

what should i put to base?? the link i gave has a signal in the base... what should i put?

i only want to amplify my battery's volt....

i did not saw that before when i did this:

im using eb1402 and i have 1.5v battery

what i did is put the positive to the base then put the negative side to the ground... the emitter to the ground also.. then i put the collector to my load and the other side of my load to the ground.

i asked this before here and somebody posted that the collector will be the positive side and the emitter will be the negative side.. by i dont know what's wrong.. my load didn't turned on.. im testing it with a simple LEDs.. i tried it without transistor and it worked fine but with transistor nothing is happening just the transistor heating up...

pls help.. thanks..

Harald Kapp

i only want to amplify my battery's volt....

That is the wrong aproach. Such an amplifier can amplify an input signal only within the limits of the supply voltage (battery). Never above or below. It is used for amplification of small signals, e.g. audio (note the 80 Hz label on the input of the amplifier).

If you need a higher voltage than your battery supplies, use another battery or use a step-up regulator (also called boost converter).