Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help, Guidance, and/or Ideas to convert Lenovo a3000 to a3000-h

Hello, I have a Lenovo a3000, 7" tablet, and want to convert it to an a3000-h. The 3000-h adds mobile data basically, 3G support. I think that they are popular in other countries but not here. I was thinking find one damaged and get parts off of it but no luck so far. Besides if possible I would like 4G support.
uhm wow..... this will take a lot of hassle finding what to add and take out is a link to an Australian 4g wifi modem. these can be portable and will save you trying to add stuff to the tablet.
most smart phones have a wifi hotspot setting so your phone becomes the modem and you connect to it via Bluetooth or wifi. once again it will save you a lot of hassle

Thank you very much. Today I found out that, I think anyway, the board is already set up for it, it is just missing the SIM attachment. I am thinking maybe I can get one and solder it on there, then download the software ROM that contains the call package and maybe I will not only have data but could make calls if i want.
Thank you very much. Today I found out that, I think anyway, the board is already set up for it, it is just missing the SIM attachment. I am thinking maybe I can get one and solder it on there, then download the software ROM that contains the call package and maybe I will not only have data but could make calls if i want.
You may run into some issues... Even if the board is identical except for the SIM slot... which would be rare... the ROM only covers part of the complete operating package.
The ROM will typically include software, but you will still need to flash additional files like the radio firmware.
Take a good look and make sure there is not any missing support components for the additional features you are after... If there is no SIM card, there is no point putting in the RF module for cellular voice/data