Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help! Ademco 6270 home alarm not working!!

Hello all, this forum seems to have a lot of experts on that issue please help me:D

my house came with the Ademco 6270 alarm, it's was from ADT and I'm not using them anymore but since the system is mine, I want to be able to use it just as an alarm.

the problem is that I have the installer code (6321) which lets me go into the screen that allows me to add users (there is no current user), then it asks me to enter a 4-digit user authorization code, but what ever number I enter it always show up with a screen saying "installer code not permitted":confused::confused::confused:

What should I do??

Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!
my house came with the Ademco 6270 alarm, it's was from ADT and I'm not using them anymore but since the system is mine, I want to be able to use it just as an alarm.
Please read the contract. Chances are that the alarm system is not yours. You were just renting it while you were on contract. When you went off contract, you have no right to use their system. Again, read the contract and the fine print.

The previous owner can tell you whatever they want, it means absolutely nothing. They could be misinformed, they could have misunderstood or they could have lied. The only truth is the actual contract that the owner signed with the company.

This type of contracts TYPICALLY state that you are leasing the alarm system for some price per month and that you agree to be a subscriber for at least a certain number of months. After that, you are free to quit at any time. If you quit before that, you have to pay a termination fees. But when you do terminate, the alarm system still belongs to the company and you do not get any rights to it. What you have paid for is the labor to install the system, not the system itself.

If you have a copy of the original contract, you can read it and get the details. If not, you can call ADT and ask for a copy. I would be extremely surprised if what you find after reading the contract is different than what I have suggested here.

Someone always has an answer...helpful or not

I have the same problem. And I know I own my system because I just bought it new in sealed boxes. The installer code on my panel is 4112 and I programmed all the zones and everything else but I get the same message when attempting to add a user. In the case of my panel, user ids must be 003 or higher. Go to the forum at diysecurityforum dot com for more meaningful help. You should know your panel number (the model of the board in the metal box) and your keypad model which is the 6270 number you listed. Look around for the manuals. If the previous owners did own the system you should have them, if the panel was a leased deal they probably would not have anything but a users guide. If you call a monitoring company they might be able to walk you through the process if you buy service from them. I found a place online for $9 per month. (Go with a place you can Google the address of and see that they are in a commercial area. I found a lot of monitoring resellers online who don't have an address)

If you have to reset the whole panel and reprogram it, it can be done. you will need the programming guide for your panel (this is not the keypad, although it helps to have the guides for that too). These can be downloaded online, just Google the model numbers, I am sure you will find several sites with .pdf manuals. My panel came with an installation guide and a programming guide. The keypad came with an installation guide and a user/setup guide. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't program your alarm with the 6270 keypad. I did everything including alpha descriptors for all the zones (there are over 100 built-in words on most new Ademco panels). It took me three hours but it was only the second alarm system I ever programmed and it takes a little getting used to the logic of the key strokes.

Finally, like me, I am sure you didn't come here t hear the the previous owners.
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One more thing...The installer code is not the master code

The installer code is not the same as the master code try 1234. It just worked for me. I found out a few years ago that my alarm company didn't change this either. When I closed my account they took the keypad but left me with the old panel and I just bought another keypad for it and reprogrammed it.
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Thanks guys for relying, I was so busy over the past few days and didn't get a chance to reply. So I called ADT today, they said the system is mine!!! I don't know if that's any good, cause I still can't figure out how to add users, I tried 1234 as well, got the same msg...sigh*

I do have the "user's guide" for the keypad and the "programming guide and system installation notes" for the (panel?) it says safewatch pro 3000EN, that's where i got the installer code of 6321.

According to the user's guide for the keypad, all I need to do for adding user is put 6321 for the authorized code and add the user...until i get to the step asking to enter a user code, Can't I just put any code for that???? or is there a single code that I have to put for it to work?? and what is master code, where do I find that? It's my first time dealing with alarms, sorry =P


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The user code you're being asked for is probably the code you want to ASSIGN to the user.
The user code you're being asked for is probably the code you want to ASSIGN to the user.

Yeah, that's what I thought too, so I put a 4-digit number as it asks for, but it rejects the code by saying "installer code not permitted".
now that I think of it, maybe it means that I can't add users when i log into the system by the Installer code, has to be the master code that people are saying.

Any idea where I can find the master code?
User code, Master code and Installer codes are exclusive terms...

User code, Master code and Installer codes are exclusive terms that permit certain functions and access to only certain areas. I sure you have tried this but you should see if any of the codes the previous owners gave you are the Master code.

Just for your information and to give you some insight here is a general overview of the terms above:
Installer Code: This code is used by installers to access the zone programming area of the panel. (The PANEL is the common name for the circut board in the metal box; it is NOT the keypad) The panel is actually here all the programming of zones and user codes is resident. Your keypad is akin to the keyboard and monitor of a computer.That is No decisions are made by the keypad. The reason there is an installer code is because sometimes people add sensors or want to change the configuration of a system and a separate code for programming allows an outside contractor the ability to do the reprogramming without the homeowner giving out any user pass-codes. And for security purposes, the installer code will not turn off the alarm system except when it has been used to arm the system which is common for testing a system after a change has been made. It is also why the installer code is not the code to access the user code setting area. Usually the MASTER CODE can be set differently from the factory set Master Code so the owner can insure privacy in the user code area from any nosy installers or hackers.

Lastly remember the 6270 is the KEYPAD NOT THE ALARM / ALARM PANEL that you own. Furthermore the 6270 is a "KEYPAD EMULATOR" NOT a "NATURAL" KEYPAD. What is meant by this is that the keys when pressed on the 6270 trigger a micro-computer operation that generates the signal needed to talk to the alarm panel. This is in contrast to a standard keypad, which like a push-button phone, simply generates the signals desired by a button press by shorting 2 legs of an integrated circut dedicated to generating the signals. This is important because some panel programming operations require pressing 2 buttons on a keypad simultaneously. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH A KEYPAD EMULATOR LIKE THE 6270!
And if you get into the installer programming area be careful what code you use to leave that area as some exiting codes require you to power-down and power-up the panel and the press to keypad keys simultaneously to re-enter the installer programming area!
This is true with the Honeywell Vista15, 20 & 30 series panels.
You should ALWAYS exit the installer programming area by pressing *99 if you only have a keypad emulator like the 6270! Otherwise you will be permanently locked out of programming unless you buy another real keypad.

Here is something I found on another website about resetting everything back to factory defaults which means you should get the programming manual for the panel ready along with a free Saturday if this is the first panel you've ever programmed.

You first need to determine what type of ademco product you have. A 6137
is just the keypad model. Most homes have vista 15 or vista 20 panels installed but, there are lots of older homes with higher end versions like the
Vista 128. Determine the panel type by opening your panel box and checking the sticker on the heat shield first. This will tell you what type of manual you would need to consult. Most Ademco products will let you into programming
within 60 seconds of power up by pressing the * and# keys together for
approx. 3seconds. You can now either reset the programming to factory defaults or locate the installer code field and enter a new 4 digit code. Hitting *99 will get you out of programming on all ademco panels as far as I know

Also you cannot do the operation described without having a real keypad, the 6270 as stated above will not send the signals required when pressing 2 keys together.

I would suggest finding out exactly what panel you have and then buy a real keypad. (I would imagine any of the 6xxx series that are NOT touch screen would work with your panel but you should Google around for the panel-keypad combination and see if anyone has used it before you buy one from Ebay or someplace)

Let me know how you are making out.
I'm sorry to reply to you guys so late, my computer crashed last week and i lost the link to this forum and forgot the name too......:(

Thanks harryusa for such a long post, it's very informative, and maybe i should call the previous owner for the master code. If anything I'll follow those steps, looks like I'd need a new keypad for the job.

First if you read your contract from adt or the previous homeowners im sure you will see that you dont own the system or any of its components. If you have the master code you can only change the master code or below that level of authority. You will most likeley not have the installer code or the company code that was used to program the system. Your best bet is to buy a new vista 20p board that will bolt right into that ones place and program it from scratch using the manuals included with it to fit your preferences or if you cant call a real security company and they will take care of it for u........ Dont call adt