Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello People!

hi i am from india.and my name is Niraj.anyway i want learn electronics things.please teach me all things electronics!! i hope u will help me out to expert electronics!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Aaah, Pune! Say hello to Shankarshet Rd for me :). The times I've been to Pune I've stayed near the hospital on that road (yeah, I know it's a long road -- there's probably more than one hospital in it :-D.

What is your current level of skill with electronics? Feel free to ask us questions!


Hop - AC8NS
i want learn electronics things.please teach me all things electronics!
Hi, Niraj! Welcome to EP! This can be a great place to learn new things about electronics, but we expect you to do most of the work. Just like school, except there are no grades, no deadlines! You learn at your own pace.

If you want to really learn electronics, instead of learning about electronics, it is my opinion that "hands on" experience is absolutely necessary. In other words, you must assemble a collection of components and test instruments and begin building and testing circuits. But experience without understanding is useless. You will need a solid foundation in math, physics, and circuit theory to benefit from hands-on experiments that will increase your knowledge of electronics. Members of EP are here to help you do that.

Members of EP don't know anything about you yet, such as your age, education, financial resources, ambition, etc. But it is never too late to get started down the path that leads to a life-long involvement with electronics, whether as a hobby or as a professional endeavor. There are resources here on EP that will help to guide and inform you, and once you have acquired a little knowledge, there are members here who will help you acquire more. Some of us can be rather hopelessly pedantic, but keep on trudging and you will learn.