Maker Pro
Maker Pro

hello goodbye

Hi everyone,

i signed up because i came across a thread where a chap had asked what component had blown in his bathroom fan.

he said he thought it was a transistor, and that it had the part number 20103.

The responses he got got were not that helpful, but as one poster suggested it probably was a triac or thyristor and not a transistor.

So, i stumbled across that post, and thought aha, i know what that is (i have the same bathroom fan). So i signed up to reply, so i could help the OP out - he was right that it probably was just a cheap component and not a whole £38 PCB - then realised the post was from 2004!!

So, I've no need to be here, i've always been more of a lurker anyway.

So the answer was, it was an ST Z0103ma 600v 1A triac in a plastic TO92 package. They have a 5ma gate, and their failure mode (over current) is to explode (his fan motor may be bad).

So, this is probably my first, and only post.

