Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello Gents

Howdy all,

I'm Taylor; I hail from Central California. Currently I'm a high schooler with not enough free time, but I enjoy filling what free time I do have with computers (repair/building/etc), photography, sprinkler repair, and so on. Years ago when I was much younger I was pretty into model rocketry with my dad, but that sadly petered out over the years. Recently I've become interested again, but with a growth in age and stature, the scale and complexity of rocket related projects I'm interested in undertaking has grown as well :p

A big part of model rocketry is the electronic launch systems and optional onboard rocket electronics, both of which carry heavily weighted interest for me. I have little to no experience in this area, but I'm very interested and anxious to learn. I learn best by doing, so my plan is to jump in and learn as I go, hopefully with your help as well as the internet's and library's.

Ideally I will pursue an engineering pathway in college, although I'm not sure which yet. Mechanical, electrical, and aerospace engineering all generate much interest, and the inventions and accomplishments of engineers like these have fascinated me all my life (such as space travel, computer/information systems, and so on). I'll probably have even less free time in college than I do now, but hopefully my college experience will be filled with the kind of things I do in my free time now anyway :D

Anyhoo, that's me. I'll likely have lots of questions regarding homemade electrical components and their relation to rocketry. Eventually I'll probably branch out to a certain extent, because most hobbies seem as though they can be made more interesting by adding an electrical component :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Welcome to Electronics Point!

Search the threads using some appropriate keywords and you'll find quite a few dealing with aspects of model rocketry.