Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello from South Wales,

Hi guys, my name is shayne and I'm from a town called Bridgend in south Wales

I have no real electric qualifications but I've messed with electrics since I was a kid from rc cars/boats, stereos, and vehicle electrics so have a basic knowledge.

Anyway I'm here to try and educate myself and fix 2 electrical items I need.

One rechargeable drill and a mitre saw.

If you can help diagnose the fault have a look at my other posts.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi and welcome to Electronics Point.

I'll take a look at your other posts. As, I'm sure, will other of our members.


hey there Shayne

welcome to the forums :)

dont forget to have a good read and study through the tutorials in the drop down menu near the top of the page
