Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello from a retired electron jockey

Greetings all, retired electron jockey here. Background in analog, microprocessors and mainframes computers, RF and ECM. Been at it long enough I'm starting to forget what I know!

Anyway, I have accumulated a huge parts supply, new and used. I am not actively trying to sell any of it, just letting you'all know I have boxes of crap, so if someone is looking for the "unobtanium", I might be able to help out. If it's a onsie-twosie of something small, and I have a number of that item, it's probably going to be a freebie. Have a bunch of HP and Tek repair parts; would need a part number and time to hunt for it, so if it's a rush job, forget it.

No intention of being a parts place - just offering bailout help.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi and welcome.

I don't have any problem with you offering the odd part free (and I'm pretty sure I'd speak for Ian and Resqueline here).

We have recently started a for-sale section for non-commercial sales, but we have no policy really for people like yourselves offering the odd part to other members for some fee. I'm a little wary of this becoming a way in for spammers,but it seems needlessly duplicative for you to (say) post a for sale item in he appropriate place and then point someone at it in another thread. This is something we'll probably play by ear.

Having said that, what we want the most is people helping people, so as long as you do what you think is the right thing, you probably won't go too far wrong. :)

I agree that the downside for you is that people will see you as a source for freebies.
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welcome to the forums :)
Greetings from Sydney, Australia. Active electyronics tech this way with a diverse interest in electronics from home
