Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello All. I hope we can help each other.

I have just re-started learning about and making electronic devices. I qualified as an electronic engineer about 44 years ago but then got attracted by the bright lights of television. Now I have retired I am very keen to get back to my first love - electronics. I hope to bounce ideas and get plenty of advice on, what is for me, a very steep learning curve.
Hi. I am sure I will have lots of questions because there are large gaps in my knowledge. I will just watch for a few days to see how it works.
Regards Paul G
Ok Paul, hope you enjoy it here, there is a real good bunch of people here also and we have a lot of fun... most of the time :)
There's a lot of information on the basics in the 'Resouorces' section of the forum when you get bored watching individual posts.