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heat wire used in soldering iron


Jon Slaughter

I had an hold cheap iron and I tore it apart. Essentially it uses a wire
wrapped around a ceramic cylinder with another ceramic cylinder on top.

I took about two inches of the wire which is about awg 30 or 29 and it
measured about 30 ohms.

This seems much larger than the 8Ohms/ft that nichrome has...

What is this stuff?


Ron M.

I had an hold cheap iron and I tore it apart. Essentially it uses a wire
wrapped around a ceramic cylinder with another ceramic cylinder on top.

I took about two inches of the wire which is about awg 30 or 29 and it
measured about 30 ohms.

This seems much larger than the 8Ohms/ft that nichrome has...

What is this stuff?


It's still nichrome. Different mixtures of the nickel and chromium
plus other additives give different resistance factors. The one you
referenced is Nichrome 60 which is only one of many different
formulations. Try looking here. Go to bottom of pasge as they give
listing of different formulations with resistance per foot and the

Jon Slaughter

Ron M. said:
It's still nichrome. Different mixtures of the nickel and chromium
plus other additives give different resistance factors. The one you
referenced is Nichrome 60 which is only one of many different
formulations. Try looking here. Go to bottom of pasge as they give
listing of different formulations with resistance per foot and the

Cool, was looking for something like this. (trying to find some thin but
highly resistive heater wire).


Homer J Simpson

Cool, was looking for something like this. (trying to find some thin but
highly resistive heater wire).

Try an unused light bulb.

Phil Allison

"Homer J Simpson"
Try an unused light bulb.

** Pure idiocy !!!!!

Tungsten has * LOW * resistivity - about double that of aluminium.

It corrodes easily and has a high tempco of resistance.

........ Phil

Bob Masta

"Homer J Simpson"

** Pure idiocy !!!!!

Tungsten has * LOW * resistivity - about double that of aluminium.

It corrodes easily and has a high tempco of resistance.

"Corrodes easily" is an understatement once you start
heating it up. (Try running a bulb without an envelope... he, he!)

But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic. A tiny fleck stuck in your
skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.
If any creationists out there don't think they share any
common ancestry with rats and mice, by all means go
ahead and experiment on yourself to provide some
data points for humans.)

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

john jardine

Bob Masta said:

But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic. A tiny fleck stuck in your
skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.
If any creationists out there don't think they share any
common ancestry with rats and mice, by all means go
ahead and experiment on yourself to provide some
data points for humans.)

Cor strewth!.
Had me worried there, with the amount of Tungsten Carbide tooling I use.
Looked on the web and could not find any carcinogeneic effects for Tungsten.

You're weren't by any chance thinking of depleted Uranium, Tungsten
penetrators by any chance?

John Fields

But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic. A tiny fleck stuck in your
skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.
If any creationists out there don't think they share any
common ancestry with rats and mice, by all means go
ahead and experiment on yourself to provide some
data points for humans.)

Fred Bartoli

john jardine a écrit :
But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic. A tiny fleck stuck in your
skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.
If any creationists out there don't think they share any
common ancestry with rats and mice, by all means go
ahead and experiment on yourself to provide some
data points for humans.)

Cor strewth!.
Had me worried there, with the amount of Tungsten Carbide tooling I use.
Looked on the web and could not find any carcinogeneic effects for Tungsten.

You're weren't by any chance thinking of depleted Uranium, Tungsten
penetrators by any chance?

Lol! I guess that if one is 'stuck' under your skin, you'll have some
other problem than worrying about cancer :)


Cool, was looking for something like this. (trying to find some thin but
highly resistive heater wire).

Jon- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hi, Jon. If you're looking for a small quantity of good resistance
wire, you could do a lot worse than just scrounging a power wirewound
resistor with ceramic coating, and carefully chipping off the outer
coating. If it hasn't cracked by the time you're done, break the
ceramic core and voilla! resistance wire with pre-welded contacts that
you can solder (the caps and leads).

This has the added advantage of being low temperature coefficient wire
(resistance changes with heat, and standard heater wire will vary by a
lot more than the 5% tolerance of resistance wire nichrome alloy).
Make sure you derate the wattage a lot -- the coating and ceramic core
really help dissipate the heat, and with them gone, it can't handle
the same wattage.

Good luck

Homer J Simpson

But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic.


Tungsten powder is used as a filler material in thermoplastic composites
which are used as a nontoxic substitute for lead, in bullets, shot, and
radiation shields.

Tungsten is also beginning to see uses in jewelry. Its hardness makes it
ideal for rings that will never scratch, and will in turn not need polishing
(this is especially good for brushed designs).

On August 20, 2002, officials representing the U.S.-based Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention announced that urine tests on leukemia
patient families and control group families in the Fallon, Nevada area had
shown elevated levels of the metal tungsten in the bodies of both groups.
Sixteen recent cases of cancer in children were discovered in the Fallon
area which has now been identified as a cancer cluster, (it should be noted,
however, that the majority of the cancer victims are not long time residents
of Fallon). Dr. Carol H. Rubin, a branch chief at the CDC, said data
demonstrating a link between tungsten and leukemia is not available at

Bob Masta

Bob Masta said:

But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic. A tiny fleck stuck in your
skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.
If any creationists out there don't think they share any
common ancestry with rats and mice, by all means go
ahead and experiment on yourself to provide some
data points for humans.)

Cor strewth!.
Had me worried there, with the amount of Tungsten Carbide tooling I use.
Looked on the web and could not find any carcinogeneic effects for Tungsten.

You're weren't by any chance thinking of depleted Uranium, Tungsten
penetrators by any chance?

Nope, tungsten slivers. Saw it in Science News last year.
A search on "Tungsten Cancer" turns up several hits,

Just dredged up the original Science News article from my dead-tree
archives: The tests were on an alloy that was 91 percent
tungsten, with cobalt and nickel, commonly used in
bullets as a replacement for uranium and/or lead.
Pellets were surgically implanted in rat leg muscles.
Some groups of rats got other metals (nickel or tantalum).
Within 5 months, all animals getting tungsten were dead
from cancer that had spread to their lungs. Tantalum caused
no problems; nickel caused fatal cancers at the wound sites,
but did not spread to the lungs. The findings were to be
reported in "Environmental Health Perspectives".
Research was conducted by John F. Kalinich at the
Armed Forces Radiology Research Institute in Bethesda, MD.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

john jardine

Bob Masta said:
Bob Masta said:

But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic. A tiny fleck stuck in your
skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.
If any creationists out there don't think they share any
common ancestry with rats and mice, by all means go
ahead and experiment on yourself to provide some
data points for humans.)

Cor strewth!.
Had me worried there, with the amount of Tungsten Carbide tooling I use.
Looked on the web and could not find any carcinogeneic effects for Tungsten.

You're weren't by any chance thinking of depleted Uranium, Tungsten
penetrators by any chance?

Nope, tungsten slivers. Saw it in Science News last year.
A search on "Tungsten Cancer" turns up several hits,

Just dredged up the original Science News article from my dead-tree
archives: The tests were on an alloy that was 91 percent
tungsten, with cobalt and nickel, commonly used in
bullets as a replacement for uranium and/or lead.
Pellets were surgically implanted in rat leg muscles.
Some groups of rats got other metals (nickel or tantalum).
Within 5 months, all animals getting tungsten were dead
from cancer that had spread to their lungs. Tantalum caused
no problems; nickel caused fatal cancers at the wound sites,
but did not spread to the lungs. The findings were to be
reported in "Environmental Health Perspectives".
Research was conducted by John F. Kalinich at the
Armed Forces Radiology Research Institute in Bethesda, MD.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

Yes. When searching I turned up that Tugsten-alloy study in numerous places
and it's extremely worrying.

But ... I should be worried but I'm not. Why? ...Simply because no other
research group seems to have picked up on it.
This is very puzzling as the Rat cancers reported in at 100% and not the
usual wishy-washy "we've found a statistically significant correlation".
For sure though, a vast army of other researchers would have seen this
study. Seen it's Black and White outcome and dreamed pleasant dreams of big
grants, seminal papers, fame and fortune, all built on the back of telling
the world of this new Satan in our midst.
They've now had over two years and zilch!.
I'd like to think that because of the universal use of Tungsten, there's
been a world-wide cover up.
Sadly, I suspect the real 'truth' is much more mundane.

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.


EVERYTHING causes cancer in lab animals. That's the way they breed them,
to be predisposed to cancer, so that they have a handy supply to justify
the huge grants they get when they show that some advocacy group's
favorite evil substance "causes" cancer.


Rich Grise

Bob Masta said:

But there is a new and better reason to avoid tungsten:
It is *extremely* carcinogenic. A tiny fleck stuck in your
skin can cause cancer. (Well, it does in lab animals.
If any creationists out there don't think they share any
common ancestry with rats and mice, by all means go
ahead and experiment on yourself to provide some
data points for humans.)

Cor strewth!.
Had me worried there, with the amount of Tungsten Carbide tooling I use.
Looked on the web and could not find any carcinogeneic effects for Tungsten.

You're weren't by any chance thinking of depleted Uranium, Tungsten
penetrators by any chance?

Maybe he's talking about the grinder dust when you put a nice new point on
your thoriated tungsten TIG electrode? ;-)


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Within 5 months, all animals getting tungsten were dead
from cancer that had spread to their lungs.


So you ADMIT IT!

Lung cancer is _NOT_ caused by smoking, it's caused by TUNGSTEN!!!!!!

I always knew the antis were pathological liars.... heh, heh, heh >:->


Homer J Simpson


EVERYTHING causes cancer in lab animals. That's the way they breed them,
to be predisposed to cancer, so that they have a handy supply to justify
the huge grants they get when they show that some advocacy group's
favorite evil substance "causes" cancer.

ISTR a lab which tested the surface of grilled steaks and found that it
caused cancer. When asked what happened to the steaks the researchers
replied that they ate them.

Bob Masta

Yes. When searching I turned up that Tugsten-alloy study in numerous places
and it's extremely worrying.

But ... I should be worried but I'm not. Why? ...Simply because no other
research group seems to have picked up on it.
This is very puzzling as the Rat cancers reported in at 100% and not the
usual wishy-washy "we've found a statistically significant correlation".
For sure though, a vast army of other researchers would have seen this
study. Seen it's Black and White outcome and dreamed pleasant dreams of big
grants, seminal papers, fame and fortune, all built on the back of telling
the world of this new Satan in our midst.
They've now had over two years and zilch!.
I'd like to think that because of the universal use of Tungsten, there's
been a world-wide cover up.
Sadly, I suspect the real 'truth' is much more mundane.

In looking at the original report, it seems to me that another
possible interpretation of the data would be that nickel caused
the cancers and tungsten caused them to spread. They didn't
test pure tungsten, only alloyed with nickel and cobalt. Since
nickel alone caused non-spreading tumors, maybe the combination
with tungsten caused some second-order effect that simply
increased the ability to spread. Angiogenisis could increase
blood contact with the tumor, for example. Or maybe the
tungsten prevented the tumors from consolidating, leaving
them as lots of loose, mobile cells. Lots of alternatives.

But personally, I'm still not planning to do any more messing around
with tungsten wire. The stuff is extremely brittle and unworkable
in the first place, and even when you simply cut it with (heavy duty)
side cutters, it tends to splinter at the cut. (The wire is
ostensibly solid, but at the cut/broken end you can see 3 separate
strands that appear to have been milled together to make the final

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!