Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Heart rate sound circuit?

Hello, I have a simple question I'm hoping someone may please help me out with. My kids have a toy stethoscope that used to make a heart rate sound when a button was pushed down (as if they were listening to your heart). It quit working and I took it apart. It uses 2 small 1.5V batteries for a total of 3V. The tiny speaker that was in there is completely ruined along with the button/switch. I'd like to re-do the circuit/parts still using 3V.

What is a very simply and small circuit that would emulate a heart rate sound using 3V that I could play out a tiny piezo or speaker? I can't seem to find any examples on the internet for this. Any examples or links to a circuit diagram would be greatly appreciated. I'd order the parts and build it to fix this.

Thank you very much,

It might have had a small sound chip in there to do this. Trying to reproduce the PQRST responce of the heart might prove difficult. I'll look into it and let you know. That's a good one I must admit.
Thank you! I don't see any chip in there, but it did have a little plastic film over the speaker that I believe vibrated to give in a little thump thump sound of the heart. I've thought about using an 8bit microcontroller like the PICAXE 08M2 or ATtiny13 using the sound commands to a speaker or piezo to somehow replicate some sound similar to a heartbeat. Nice thing is that these microcontrollers can run on 3V along with most of the parts.

Would be great to use a tiny sound chip with a recorded mp3 file though! I appreciate you looking into it. Please let me know if you come up with anything.

Best Regards,