Maker Pro
Maker Pro

HD STB's getting hard to find?


David L. Jones

Went shopping for a HD set top box the other day at the usual places
(Hardly Normal, JB's, GoodGuys), and basically found nothing. Oodles
of PVR's (SD and HD), and a few of the usual el-cheapo SD STB's, but
practically no HD STB's on the shelves. When quized, the sales drones
said there is little demand for them, so they rarely stock them any
Had my eye on getting a decent unit, possibly the Topfield TF7000HT,
but can't even find a cheapie on the shelves. A visit to the Topfield
site shows they don't even make STB's any more, just PVR's.

What's the deal? Why have HD STB's all but vanished?

Most HD TV's these days have a HD tuner built in, so the "HD ready" TV
market has all but vanished. But surely there are a glut of "HD ready"
analog (or SD) tuner TV's out there that will still need HD STB's? I
wouldn't have expected HD STB's to vanish so soon.



David said:
Had my eye on getting a decent unit, possibly the Topfield TF7000HT,
but can't even find a cheapie on the shelves. A visit to the Topfield
site shows they don't even make STB's any more, just PVR's.

What's the deal? Why have HD STB's all but vanished?

The Topfield website still shows the TF400T and TF7000HT as available.
You may have gone to the website of the old distributer.


David L. Jones

I got one at the supermarket on Sunday. (Coles Maroochydore. $79)
Plenty of others about here at most of the electrical outlets, from $99 to
several hundred.

None at the three stores near me I mentioned though.
One of these DSE stores with stock may suit you:

Oh, one left at a store near me.
Any good I wonder?...
Not a particularly raving review here:;2136212607;pid;2356;pt;1

Can't believe it's got what looks to be like a real mechanical on/off
power switch on the back panel! Haven't seen one of those in years...
If you want a dear one go to a store that specialises in "home theatre".

I want one that works well, and I don't mind buying a cheapie if it
does in fact work well.
I've got a cheap DigiCrystal HD box and it's annoyingly slow to switch
channels, takes ages to switch on, and has a few other annoying
aspects. It's ok for use on the 2nd set, but I'd like to avoid
repeating that again.
BTW, my cheap DigiCrystal SD PVR is really nice and I have no issues
with that one.


David L. Jones

I got one at the supermarket on Sunday. (Coles Maroochydore. $79)
Plenty of others about here at most of the electrical outlets, from $99 to
several hundred.
One of these DSE stores with stock may suit you:
If you want a dear one go to a store that specialises in "home theatre".

I went into my local DSE that was supposed to have that one, and other
cheap HD STB's as well (DSE branded etc). ZIP!, not a single HD STB in
stock. The stock numbers are a fib.
They will be getting a TEAC unit in next week, but it's $186.
So that's not a single HD STB available at any of my local HV, JB, GG,
or DSE stores. Crazy.

Looks like Altronics of all places have the Topfield for $259


David L. Jones

None at the three stores near me I mentioned though.

Oh, one left at a store near me.
Any good I wonder?...
Not a particularly raving review here:;2136212607;pid;2356;pt;1

Can't believe it's got what looks to be like a real mechanical on/off
power switch on the back panel! Haven't seen one of those in years...

I want one that works well, and I don't mind buying a cheapie if it
does in fact work well.
I've got a cheap DigiCrystal HD box and it's annoyingly slow to switch
channels, takes ages to switch on, and has a few other annoying
aspects. It's ok for use on the 2nd set, but I'd like to avoid
repeating that again.
BTW, my cheap DigiCrystal SD PVR is really nice and I have no issues
with that one.


Bob Bain

What's the deal? Why have HD STB's all but vanished?
Most HD TV's these days have a HD tuner built in, so the "HD ready" TV
market has all but vanished. But surely there are a glut of "HD ready"
analog (or SD) tuner TV's out there that will still need HD STB's? I
wouldn't have expected HD STB's to vanish so soon.

If there's a demand and people are buying them then the stores will
run out of stock and you'll have problems finding a popular product on
the shelves.

If they are imported from overseas and the number of sales has been
underestimated then it will require shipments from overseas countries.

Stong demand = lack of stock !

(not necessarily the case but a plausible explanation).

It could also be regional. I know without a doubt that in Western
Sydney there is no shortage of HD set top boxes.


Bob Bain said:
Stong demand = lack of stock !

And NO demand = lack of stock too.
I think the commercial channels decision to screen some shows on HD only
should increase the demand for low cost HD STB's though.


David L. Jones

 If there's a demand and people are buying them then the stores will
run out of stock and you'll have problems finding a popular product on
the shelves.

 If they are imported from overseas and the number of sales has been
underestimated then it will require shipments from overseas countries.

 Stong demand = lack of stock !

 (not necessarily the case but a plausible explanation).

 It could also be regional.  I know without a doubt that in Western
Sydney there is no shortage of HD set top boxes.

Well, in the Castle Hill and Warringah Mall areas of Sydney there is
Several sales people have told me there is not much demand for HD
STB's which is why they hardly stock them any more. But one said when
they do get in what little bit of stock they happen to get, they go
pretty quickly. So it appears to be a combination of causes at play

If there really is little demand, the most sensible explanation is
probably that people don't want to spend too much money to "go
digital" and would rather buy a $35-$100 SD box rather than a $100-
$300 HD box.


Andy Wood

.. . .
If there really is little demand, the most sensible explanation is
probably that people don't want to spend too much money to "go
digital" and would rather buy a $35-$100 SD box rather than a $100-
$300 HD box.

Perhaps it is a case of "the flies can't tell the difference" and so
are not prepared to pay any more.
Andy Wood
[email protected]


All HD set top boxes have composite video out anyway, so you can view both
the SD and exclusive HD channel content on an old standard SD Television. I
don't see any point these days buying a SD decoder. Unless its less than
$50. When you can pickup a HD set top box these days from $79.


Just been to Strathfield car radios.
They have a HD stb for $149-00.