Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Have blind cat - need someone to build plug in device

Hi - I have a blind cat and need someone to build him a small device that emits a small low sonic or soft beep so he can find his cat box and food. Please contact me if your interested

Thank you

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Harald Kapp

Sorry, I'm way to far away from you to build this.
But: won't the cat find at least the food by smell?
You could place some scented stuff also into his box so he can locate the box by smell, too. You'll have to teach hom to associate the specific smell with his box, of course. And you should use a unique scent.
No batteries required!
Do you have information that this method works? If so can you point us to it? The range of sounds one might make is infinite. We would have to know more about what type of sound would work.

Or is this more of a research project? If you want to try out different types of sounds, a cell phone with an app would be good solution.

Smoke detector with a low battery? :D
Then again I don't know about cat hearing but for humans, a mid frequency is easier to use for navigation purposes.
You could get a singing mouse and keep it near the food; cats like mice.

You could use an am/fm/shortwave radio and a wall wart.

Or perhaps the best is get a signal generator and tune it just above your upper range of hearing. Connect
it to an small amplifier plus a wall wart.
see: 12.85$

and for 8.99$

I have the DROK use it to sent message at the answering machine up to my wife's sewing room.
You guys are pretty funny! We have a few other cats and we just weaned them off soft cat food - my days are better without the opening of smelly can cat food!
The smell thing works if the cat is confined to a small room, he can find his cat food without a problem. He’s like a bat a used his voice to project sound to see if he’s near a wall, his whisker also tell him about an item he’s near.

I am looking for something that will omit a sound that will be low, constant and he can hear so he won’t get lost in the house.
you'll see a fairly simple build which will hopefully do the job.
At a 1-per-second 'click' rate, rather than a continuous tone, the circuit should run for about 1-2 years.
As output pulses are low voltage, the clicks are quite soft, but pets should hear it ok.
See if you can persuade an electronics family member or friend to build you two of these, for food dish and loo.
Or have them pro-built for kitty.
Frequency (audio click rate) or different housing size / shape can let the cat know (by carrying / training first) which "audio beacon" to use when.

Just thought of something else -
Cats have excellent smell sense, probably enhanced if sight goes.
What about varied flavor scented fridge-magnets / cardboard 'smellies' stuck here and there throughout the house?
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