Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Have a amazing idea and need a little help!!

Hello forum. My name is Elliott and I have a really really good idea, now I can't say it for copyright reasons. But I need somehelp, I need to make and program a chip to where it can detect how much voltage can go into a device and soon as it passes that amount of voltage it stops sending power to that device and reroutes it to its own copacitor and when that other decive runs low on power it feeds the power from capacitor into the device. I need someone to help me create this chip basically, and the program. Can anyone out there please help me?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I'd answer you, but patents mean that I can't.

Let me suggest that if you're not familiar with electronics to do this for yourself there is very little chance that you've come up with something new.

edit: and one post about your Sooper secret invention is plenty.
Well I just don't want no one to steal my idea. Has happened to me before. I'll tell you what I'm doing. And I figured out how to do it. Just can't seem to find the right components.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd

Shall I close this thread now to remove any temptation you might have to discuss it further?

Shall I close this thread now to remove any temptation you might have to discuss it further?

Well no hold on please let me explain a little bit. I'm trying to make a very small board/chip that can dectect the amount of voltage going into a device while charging.cand when charging is complete it automatically redirects that power to something like a capacitor and that fills up with the access charge. And when you unplug the charging unit from the wall and is using the device, and it runs low on power that filled capacitor with an app or something gets turned on and releases all the voltage and refills the battery. Giving you less overcharge and longer battery life. I want to use it for a school project that's due 3 day before Christmas. Teacher said I can use fourms, and this is the best I can find. I just need someone to help me find a chip like this that I can program and put on a circuit board along with capacitor to serve these functions. Please don't close this thread I really do need help.
Since a battery will hold a hundred times more charge than a super-capacitor, I don't see the advantage of that approach over just charging a second battery.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I thought I posted a reply earlier, but I guess my phone wasn't cooperating...

No switching is required. Simply place the capacitor in parallel with the battery or the input connector.

As Laplace suggests, it's not efficient.

For the size and weight of the capacitor, you would be far better off with a higher capacity battery.
Hi, I think Formula 1 cars do a form of this energy switching now, to give them passing energy to boost existing engine power to the wheels. Some use electric storage others hydraulic I believe.


Hi, I think Formula 1 cars do a form of this energy switching now, to give them passing energy to boost existing engine power to the wheels. Some use electric storage others mechanical I believe. KERS, Kinetic Energy Recovery System

how about a UPS? uninterruptable power supplies have surge protection on them (the good ones anyway).... so that ticks all the boxes right?
need to charge battery
need over voltage protection...
now just add a cap