Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hate to ask

I'm wondering if anyone has some leftover resistors they don't need. I'm 50 miles away from the nearest electronics parts store, and don't want to pay $5.00 shipping for a few resistors.


Have you considered purchasing one of the many assortments on Ebay?

For a few bucks ($4-$10) you can get hundreds/thousands of assorted resistors of multiple values delivered to your door, shipping included...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
In one of his first posts he was asking about these. I guess he never got around to it (or they're coming by slow boat from China).

I can sympathise if the second is the case.
Yeah you have to plan ahead when you purchase overseas... At least in the US a lot of the bigger Ebay based Chinese importers are starting to open distribution houses in the US so that they can improve shipping speed... You might pay a bit more but shipping times are better, although in generally my delivery times from China are in the 10-14 day range so it's not all that bad... So that is another option to consider...

And on a last note, $5 shipping is likely CHEAP compared to what you will pay locally... RatShack charges $1 (or more) for 5 resistors, it doesn't take long to negate $5 in shipping cost...