Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hantek scope keeps ticking and wont turn on.


I've got one of those 100MHz hantek scope:

and one day it suddenly just turned off during normal use and started ticking(relay ticks at a rate of 2-4 ticks per second,
I disconnected every thing from it and reconnected it to power(220V) and pushing the on butten it keeps doing those relay ticks and wont turn on.

Does anyone know how to trouble shot it? It wont feel very nice to spend another 500$ on a new scope

Thanks for your time!
Generally indicative of a fault in the SMPS - common faults being the usual 'bloated capacitor syndrome' although any short circuit or over-voltage situation can cause the same symptoms so opening it up and making a few tests is the next step.

The capacitor issue is fairly easy to recognise on sight - other problems will require relevant test procedures.
So see it happened before and after some times without even touching it it comes back to life like normal and after a few days it happens again do you have an advice on what could it be?
If it happens intermittently then the bloated capacitor issue is highly likely to be the cause.

It's a fairly simple (assuming dismantling is easy...) to swap out all the relevant capacitors for identical (but better quality) replacements.

This is not explicitly THE answer but taking it apart and having a look will reveal all you need to know for now.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The ticking sound is almost always due to a momentary overload followed by the protection circuit shutting down the power. (It then tries again, and again, and again...)

The sound comes from the transformer.

The other symptoms make it sound like a cap problem so I'd certainly start there. If you don't have an ESR meter then replacing the output filter caps -- even if nothing seems wrong -- is worth a try.

Remember that there's probably 400V on a cap in the power supply, even after power is removed. This can really bite. Peered on, half of the circuit is live and it can bite even more.

When I say bite, I mean they can be the sort of bites you don't recover from.
@ *steve*

Does this site have a reference page we can link to that warns of the dangers involved when working with high voltages/currents?

A pointer to such would not only provide useful (and potentially life-saving) advice but also offer some form of indemnity, morally if not legally.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The 400V capacitor is rarely the problem.

Look at the output caps. Leaky, swollen, high ESR?
Sir Mike_Lemon123 . . . . .

Can you confirm, that your problem is usually related to the very FIRST time of an attempt to turn on the " cold " oscilloscope , or that you experienced this situation before it's now total competitiveness?

Instead, you are only getting the old . . . ." Tic . . .tic . . . Tic " . . . . syndrome, but after several attempts to turn it on, over a period of several minutes the unit FINALLY will come on, and gives a display, and you can use the unit for HOURS, with no problems.

Can we get close up pics of the component cluster of the units power supply section, of those parts?

How many years old is the scope getting to be.

73's de Edd

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