Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Handheld Motion Scanning Device - Help

I'd like to build a motion scanning device that detects moving bodies within a twenty meter radius, emitting a sound when it picks up activity. Much like the scanner in the alien movies. I know it is a cheesy project, but I'm new to electronics and would like to improve by taking on a project like this. I haven't found any plans online, so would anyone be able to provide me with some plans or instructions? I would really appreciate any help, as the only plans I found were for a replica of a scanner from the alien movies. Though I do not want to make a replica, just something similar.

I would appreciate any advice or help, thanks
It sounds like you would need a PIR sensor module, Try picking one from this page. Beware when ordering from hong-kong, the five I ordered took almost two months to arrive, though they show no signs of surface damage, then again, I hav enot got around to testing whether they work yet. Search for a module, that is it should have a white dome attached to a PCB. Connection is simple, the modules usually have power supply,out and GND pins. If this sounds suitable, message me back and I could suggest how to build the circuit.

Hope this helps,
Thanks for your reply Lavaguava. I had a look on eBay and I found a PIR module, but what is the PCB module that you are referring to? this is my first electrical project so I don't know many different components at the moment. Also, I am trying to build a sensor that graphically displays bodies on a small screen , as a white dot, such as in Aliens, and project a tracking sound at the same time. Can you suggest a shopping list for that?
For identification purposes, the PCB is the green board. If you want to make a device that can display the bodies on a screen and this is our first project, I advise that you reconsider. It is likely that you would need experience within serial communication to write to a graphical display, as well as knowledge of stabilising power supplies to power your screen, also within C/Python to access the data picked up by the IR camera, you also would need to purchase a microcontroller or Raspberry Pi to program to. So you may want to undertake something simple for your first project, the rest will come with time.

The sound and the idea of detecting motion is doable for a beginner, however jumping into graphical displays is not something I would advise attempting yet.

Hope this helps,
Ok, thanks for clearing that up Lavaguava. I haven't seen much of the site, but do you know any electrical tutorials on the web that would be good to start with? there are a few electronic stores in town, so I wouldn't mind getting some plans and going down to the store and having a crack at something so I can improve.
OK, I am glad that you wish to advance :) If you want high quality tutorials I suggest you go to the resources section of the electronicspoint site, written by our members. If there is a Maplins in town and you have £100 to throw away (not likely unless you are a teenager that saves Christmas and birthday money, like I did) You can pick up all the parts you need there to get started. I would suggest Electronics for Dummies (and no, that is not an insult, it is an excellent book for getting into electronics), try out some of the projects in electronics for dummies, this will give you an idea of what to expect when experimenting with electronics.

I hope this helps, if you want any further advice, I am happy to provide,
You are completely welcome. I can provide you with help at any point, I am happy knowing that one more person is interested in electronics :)