Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Halloween costume ideas wanted...

I would like to do something for halloween for my wife involving LEDs and arduino. I would like to know what/if you guys have done in the past that isn't very complicated...or not super complicated.

I do plan on using a flicker sketch in a pumpkin with a few super bright white LEDs. I hooked up 3 of them and looked at my window from outside with the blinds closed at night and it looks just awesome. Resembles an old CRT television from the 50s.
Years ago I did a robot costume for my son, using a 555, a 4 bit CMOS counter with some driver transistors and small 12v lamps.
The chest has three back lit panels (stacked vertically) that lit in sequence:
He turned it on after he came to the "victim's" door.
When he turned to leave, two panels on the back were blinking in sequence:

Something I think I would like to include is a scrolling led display. How hard would it be to build my own I2C scroller? I would like it to be 8x32 or 8x64. This could be broken up into segments if needed.