Maker Pro
Maker Pro

hall effect sensors

I have a couple of hall effect sensors from Jameco electronics, that I want to experiment with.Jameco has very little info. on them. They are RS41 by Honeywell but I can't find any examples of circuits or pin outs for them. If anyone knows the pinout or a circuit I could sure use the help. I have been searching the web for an hour and I found this site, but I still haven't found a circuit yet.

I want to build a electronic ignition for a small motor that I have, that is no longer made anymore.
Much better if you post schematic diagram of electronic ignition system. So we can match the RS41 Hall sensor.
Much better if you post schematic diagram of electronic ignition system. So we can match the RS41 Hall sensor.

I wish I could post a schematic, but I don't have a printer that is working. It is a very simple circuit. Just a automobile coil with a cap. in parallel and a MOSFET to ground, that will be controled by the sensor and amplifier. You can look at the second link I posted to see the sensors and amp. circuits, just add a MOSFET for the load.
You can use Fig. 3 diagram #5 for scr. If your electronic Ignition project was CDI and SCR.

I won't need a capacitor discharge system. With just the MOSFET I can get 5000 volts spark, which is plenty. That's what my old Toyota has and it runs great. I know I could get a lot more than that, but I like the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid. ha.
I also have a couple other projects that I want to build with the sensors, but more on that later.
Hey. I like that KISS. It's another word I learned here in Electronics Point. The last one I learned was FFS from steve.:D:D:D