In a mosfet half bridge, the on-coming switch Vds is held at the
supply potential while reverse recovery current flows in the
free-wheeling arrm's diode. There's nothing to stop gate voltage from
exceeding the turn-on threshold by some volts as only Ciss is active.
When freewheeling Trr ends, The mosfet is already gate-enhanced to
exceed the peak Irr. This may equal or exceed the inductive load
current. The resulting dv/dt brings Crss into the act, but not in the
tame manner of resistive load current. The gate voltage may actually
be driven below a threshold of equilibrium by dv/dt induced gate
currents, producing oscillatory behavior.
This appears to be agravated by buffered pull-down in the drive, even
with a high impedance gate drive source.
Any advice on beating this? reduce the effectiveness of the pull-down
supply potential while reverse recovery current flows in the
free-wheeling arrm's diode. There's nothing to stop gate voltage from
exceeding the turn-on threshold by some volts as only Ciss is active.
When freewheeling Trr ends, The mosfet is already gate-enhanced to
exceed the peak Irr. This may equal or exceed the inductive load
current. The resulting dv/dt brings Crss into the act, but not in the
tame manner of resistive load current. The gate voltage may actually
be driven below a threshold of equilibrium by dv/dt induced gate
currents, producing oscillatory behavior.
This appears to be agravated by buffered pull-down in the drive, even
with a high impedance gate drive source.
Any advice on beating this? reduce the effectiveness of the pull-down